04 - Old Friend

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"What the hell made you think of that?!" Okay, now I'm certain that I've cussed.

But seriously, why on earth would she ask something so… so… so… ugh I can't even find the right words to explain her action. Just, why?!

"First of all, I'm too young for that. Second, why would that happen to me?! I don't even have a freakin' boyfriend for pete's sake! And third, my parents would have already killed me, the first thing they'd notice. Wait, why am I explaining?" I looked utterly confused now.

" So, you are not pregnant?" Again with that stupid question. Why did she have to repeat that?! Have I gone fat for her to think of that?!

" Again, what the hell made you think of that?!"

"Okay, so I'll take it you're not pregnant…" She then smiled innocently, as if she did not cause me stress earlier. I just face-palmed while heading out of the kitchen.

"Wait, Aerin—" Gene called me but I immediately cut her off.

"What?!" I asked in a quite peevish tone.

"Are you not gonna have breakfast?" She asked back.

I was about to say no when my stomach answered before me. Then I had no other choice that to tell her what I'd like. Not pancakes anymore. I now have a bad memory with pancakes thanks to this overreacting birdbrain here.

"Ugh, whatever Okay! You're so annoying! "

Great, now I sound rude. I tend to act all bitchy when I get irritated.

Just then…


Great, my stomach is at it's annoying state once again. Not only am I annoyed as hell, I'm also hungry-hungry.

"Make a continental breakfast." All this stress is causing me huge hunger. I need food. Many of them. And she just stood there, looking at me like she didn't get a thing of what I've said. Does she not know continental breakfast too?

"What are you waiting for?! GOOO!!!

So I ordered, I couldn't care less if I sound rude or what right now. It's quite better than to see me lash out while I'm Hungry— but still seems to be happening this very moment.

"Okay, it'll be served in 20 minutes." Said Gene while she dashes to the pantry. Oh, so she knows what a CB is.

"Well, at least I wouldn't have to wait long" I said to myself as I went to the balcony at the back of the house.


"The food is ready Aerin" Gene showed up.  "Where would you like to eat?" She asked me if I'd want her to serve the food here at the balcony. And I nodded. "Okay, I'll be right back," She then went back inside to bring the food here at the balcony. Then I heard people talking.

"Where shall we bring this to Gene?"

"At the balcony outside"

"Come now, Aerin is waiting"

A few seconds later, three people came out carrying large trays of various dishes.

"Brunch is served Miss Cha" One of the three said while they place the food on the table.

"Branch?" Gene questioned . "Fei, these are food, not tree parts." She added

"It's brunch, not branch." Said the One who seems to be Fei.

"What?! What on earth is a brunch? Gene hysterically asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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