Broken Wings

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   "I'm surprised you're here," Voltaire said, not turning as someone walked up behind him.
   "Oh shut it, Grandfather," Saki growled. "Why am I here anyway?"
   "If you give me one of those bit beasts, I'll let you have a spot all by yourself in the tournament," Voltaire answered.
   Saki growled as she thought this through. They were her bit beasts, but she could get a lot more if she fought.
   "What bit beast do you want?" Saki asked.
   Voltaire smiled, seeing that Saki was coming along.
   "Black Dranzer," Voltaire answered. "Kai can't resist its call and I plan to use it to bring him back. It's time for family to come back together, don't you think?" He held up an empty bit which Saki tore from his hand.
   "Double cross me and you'll regret it," Saki promised. She pulled out Drahneir and allowed the two bits to touch, sending Black Dranzer into the empty one. She tossed it to Voltaire, saying, "Catch."
   Voltaire reached up and caught it. Yes, it seemed like Saki was on his side.
   "One more thing."
   "What is it?" asked Voltaire.
   "Those Blade Breakers need to pay," Saki told him. "I'll spare my little brother, but if he's going to have Black Dranzer, I'm taking Dranzer, understand?"
   "So be it."

   After losing his first match to Spencer, Kai roamed the halls. And then he heard the voice of a particularly unwelcome person.
   "Grandfather," Kai growled.
   "Hello Kai," Voltaire said.
   "What, here to gloat?" Kai asked.
   "I'm here to help you," Voltaire denied.
   Kai started laughing.
   "Sorry, that was funny," Kai said. "Help me? You stuck me in that abbey so I could become a weapon! I wasn't a grandson to you! I bet you like Saki though. She's the granddaughter you always wanted, the person you wanted me to be."
   "Saki is insane and untrustworthy!" Voltaire yelled. "There is only one thing she wants and she doesn't care who she steps on to get it. But, she can listen to reason. She has given you a present."
   "Whatever it is, I don't want it," Kai said.
   "Are you sure?" Voltaire asked, pulling out the Black Dranzer bit with a smirk.
   "Black Dranzer!" Kai breathed. "Saki gave you that?!"
   "Yes, Kai, just for you," Voltaire answered. "Use it, Kai. Seaborg has no hopes of winning against Black Dranzer."
   "I gave up Black Dranzer," Kai told him.
   "But surely you know its power and the limitations of Dranzer's," Voltaire pressed. He held out Dranzer.
   And Kai took it, but only for show. He kept his head down as he walked out of there, stopped briefly by Tyson and Kenny, but it was only so they didn't see the smirk on his face.

   Kai lost his match. Saki sighed when she saw this. After all that, giving up Black Dranzer, he did this.
   Saki looked up to see Voltaire.
   "What is it, Grandfather?" she asked. "Come to give back Black Dranzer?" She held out her hand and Voltaire placed the bit in it. "Guess Kai's not with us. He always was a fool. Oh, and Grandfather?"
   "What is it?" Voltaire asked.
   "I require a search party," Saki answered. "I have lost my Aurorus and I need her back."
   "I did not think you the kind to ask for such things," Voltaire said.
   "No, you misunderstand," Saki said. "All I want is for you to find it while I'm busy watching. I'll capture it, punish it, use it, and kill it."
   "I see," said Voltaire.
   "I  guess Borris doesn't know of our plans," Saki said.
   "That's good. Oh, when can I battle?"
   "The next match is tomorrow. I expect that the match after that will be the day after. I suppose you can figure it out then."
   "So boring. Can you arrange a match between me and Spencer?"
   "What for?"
   "I want Dranzer. When I battle Kai, it best be with his bit beast."
   "We'll wait."
   "I'm sorry you lost," Tsurara said, looking down. She had stayed in the hotel room all day.
   "It's nothing," Kai told her.
   "I just can't believe Saki was going to let you have Black Dranzer," Tyson said.
   "Mistress Saki was going to do a thing like that?!" Tsurara asked in surprise.
   "Yeah," Max nodded.
   "That doesn't sound like her," Tsurara said. "Not one bit. Someone had to convince her."
   "Do you think it could be Voltaire?" asked Ray.
   "It's possible, I guess," Kenny said.
   "Saki's just working with him to help her ultimate goal of power," Kai said. "He must've promised her something. But once that's done with, there's no doubt that she'll double cross him."
   There was a knock at the door. Kenny went over and opened it. Fueha was standing there.
   "Hope I'm not intruding on anything," she said. "Sorry about your loss, Kai. Ray, I think you know that we're all counting on you."
   "I won't lose," Ray promised.
   "Why are you here?" asked Kai.
   "I came to ask if I, if I may be a part of you team," Fueha answered. "I talked to Mr. Dickenson and he's cool with it but I need permission from you all. Please? I have a blade, right here." She showed Drujikon to them.
   "That's a cool blade," Max said.
   "How do you have that?" asked Tsurara.
   "I kept the bit and Mr. Dickenson gave me a new blade when I told him what I wanted to do. Please Kai? I don't have to battle but, well, I really want to be there."
   "Fine," Kai said.
   "Yay!" Fueha shouted. "You won't regret this one little bit."

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