Chapter 4 (job)

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(Nobody POV)

Subaru stood up and walked out from the room. In hallways y/n teleported next to Subaru.

Y/n: good morning kid.

Subaru: oh good morning y/n. Wait how did you teleported next to me?

Y/n: I just can.

Subaru: and stop calling me a kid, aren't you a kid yourself?

Y/n: I may look like an adult but I'm older than you think.

Subaru: is that so?

Y/n: ...

Subaru and y/n walked at random door, Subaru opened it and they went in the library.

Y/n: wow, big library.

Subaru: First NPC found!

Y/n: WHERE! *Sees little girl infront of him* oh... New npc.

???: What an annoying people are you two, I suppose.

Y/n: (what the)

Subaru: oh come on smile, or else you will ruin your cute face.

???: I can smile but I don't want to.

Subaru: anyway what is this place?

Y/n: it's library, idiot.

Beatrice: it's Betty's both library and bedroom.

They talked a little and Subaru started to annoy her.

Beatrice: enough! You annoyed me already.

Beatrice approached Subaru and put his hand at him.

Beatrice: don't you dare to move.

Subaru: please don't hurt me.

Y/n: too late buddy.

Beatrice sucked out his mana and Subaru screamed because of pain and falls down.

Subaru: what the hell did you do to me you drill Loli!

Beatrice: I sucked your mana and confirmed that you are not an enemy for the mansion.

Subaru: you are not human and your personality is not human either.

Subaru started to lose consciousness and soon he falls unconscious on the ground.

Y/n: *laughs* oh come on man, why so suddenly. Couldn't you endure his annoyance little more?

Beatrice: now you.

(Y/n POV)

She started to approach me and tried to put his hand on my stomach but at moment when she put hand on my stomach, her vision changed. Now infront of her was standing unknown creature.

 Now infront of her was standing unknown creature

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