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 Two hours, a dozen mochi's, and some puppy love, you slowly recovered. Souya was angry to say the least, and Nahoya was trying to be as rational as humanly possible. However, you kept switching in between calm and hysterical.

"Y'know it's okay to be upset right? They both acted like the victim when they did the most harm. You waited forever.." Nahoya was behind you, his legs surrounding you.

 You were in the middle of his lap just laying down, your head lying comfortably on his chest as you vented. Souya was holding Asher, petting him softly, giving him occasional kisses.

"I am..but at the same time it was so long ago...I should let it go right? That'd be a reasonable thing to do..the adult thing to do.." You absently looked at the wall, trying to find the solution you usually had.

"I'd run the ones, it's always an option.." Souya grunted. His twin gave him a glare because violence isn't the answer anymore. "Just saying.." Souya shrugged, cooing at Asher whilst you huffed.

"Okay," You got up while rubbing your puffy eyes. Pointing at Nahoya you started, "You. You are helping immensely but your pity is very very obvious," Souya began mocking Nahoya, pointing and silently laughing, "And you.." Pointing a finger at Souya, "I am not beating anyone up, we are not beating anyone up. I am going to keep it civil and let myself heal." Emphasizing the end of your sentence. Snatching Asher out of Souya's hands and kissing the twins on their foreheads, you left with some sanity left.

By the end of the month you were working nonstop, photoshoots, free photography, occasional modeling, schooling, painting, you did everything you could to prevent yourself from dwelling over what happened.

 Honestly you fell into the habit of being a workaholic. You were being productive by getting much needed work out of the way. On this lovely Thursday you were modeling. Mitsuya asked you to fill in for a model and you were free so...why not.

Sitting on the sidelines while you got your makeup done. It was more of a young adult theme, with baggy clothes and bold makeup. Having some of the men wear skirts and the women with cool ass outfits. You were kind of jealous because their outfits were better than the ones you had to put on.

On the set there was a particular model who looked...stiff? His posture was rigid and his movement wasn't flowy. He looked like a robot. You excused yourself from the makeup artist and strolled onto set. 

The model was a beautiful man, tall, black hair with a middle part, a dope ass scar running down from the top right of his forehead down to his left ear, and oh my his eye was white. His features were sharp, although he seemed incredibly nervous.

"Hey kid," You shouted at the man, his head whipped around towards you. You trotted towards him and smiled.. "Try to loosen your body, don't tense up so much. Like when you pose, do this" You just swung your arms above your head, on your hips, and around your face. Trying to give him a visual example.

"Oh um..like this?" He mimicked you, imitating you perfectly. He loosened up his body trying not to stiffen up. You patted him on his shoulder then gave him your hand to introduce yourself.

"You did that perfectly. What's your name handsome?" Real smooth...totally. He shyly looked at your eyes his eyes scanned your figure politely before returning the handshake. His hands were unfairly soft. He was perfectly sculpted to be a model, god you were so jealous.

"Kakucho. I'm glad you came up to me, this whole thing" He referred to the whole modeling scene, "makes me really nervous. I saw you modeling and you were just amazing." He complimented you, making you smile. Who would've known that one word of advice would lead to an hour conversation and dinner after.

It felt reliving to have a genuine conversation with someone, not for distraction but to genuinely talk. Kakucho was so reasonable, kind, smart, and incredibly handsome.

His scar was insanely handsome, his voice smooth, he was just so right. The night ended with endless compliments and the exchange of numbers. You arrived home with a giant smile on your face.

It only lasted so long, after you changed, Soren and Asher tucked in, you stopped at your night stand. Your eyes followed the bright silver chain glistening in the moonlight. On it held a small picture of you and Kazutora. The one person you were running from was always there. Right there in front of your eyes.

"Kazutora look, oh my god its so gorgeous isn't it? We have to get it please please pleaseee" You hung on his arm playfully. Your adolescence brought on more childishness than anyone could handle.

Kazutora could handle it, he'd rather handle it than let you go. His rough appearance made him seem dull and rude but he was as caring as anyone else. Sometimes he was even too caring, crazy right?

"Don't drag your feet, you'll get your shoes all dirty c'mon. We can get it.." Kazutora groaned, picking you up on your feet. Your smile actually hurt from how big it was, you kissed his cheek before you verbally thanked him.

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. You're the best!" You squealed as you dragged him to the shop. There were two beautiful necklaces on display with a small heart-shaped pendant left empty for a picture. Quickly paying, you two sat on a bench in an empty sidewalk scrolling through pictures to put in the pendant.

"Ooo what about this one," You clicked on a picture of you kissing Kazutora's cheek with him smiling widely and an adorable peace sign. He chuckled lightly, resting his head on your shoulder. His arm was around your waist, bringing you in to prevent the cold getting to you.

"Whatever you want hun," Kazutora's cheeks heated up with embarrassment at the picture. He looked like a dork. "For now just put it on, I'll pick my picture later okay?" He adjusted you so your back was facing him, he gently clipped the necklace onto you. 

Your body shivered as the cold metal laid on your warm skin. His hands gently brushed over your skin once more before he let go.

"Can we promise..something to this?" You spoke softly, somewhat scared of the reply you were waiting to receive. You turned to Kazutora, his hair shaking as he nodded his head. He held your hands in his own, bringing you some comfort. "Promise me you will never hurt me, leave me, or forget about me. Stay by me please." Your voice barely registered over the soft breeze in the air. Searching his eyes for any hesitance or regret, none was found but your heart held heavy. His bright eyes softened.

"Now why would I ever do that, I'll always be with you. I promise I will never leave," He kissed your forehead gently. You hugged him, and it was the longest hug ever. If you don't count the one before he was arrested.

You sniffled as you grind your teeth together, all those useless promises for no good reason. The pure innocence radiated on you by just looking at the pendant. You closed the pendant bitterly. Throwing it mindlessly in the nightstand, a perfect way to end the night right?

 You plugged up your phone and laid down. The thinking and crying could wait for tomorrow. The sound of your phone buzzing lulled you to sleep.

The unknown number lit up your dark room, four missed calls, two texts, and a voicemail was all that was left.

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