― graphic shop concept ideas!

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A graphic shop is a book where a graphic designer offers to make graphics such as book covers, profile pictures, or banners, in exchange for payments such as votes on the designer's books or promotion for the designer.

To make their graphic shop stand out among other books, a designer might give their graphic shop a concept, a certain theme that makes the book well-organized and interactive. A popular graphic shop concept is the cafe concept, where a designer sets up their shop like a cafe, where they're the cafe owner offering graphics as if they're drinks and treats. They're not actually making drinks or treats, but the cafe concept makes a simple graphic exchange more fun and interesting!


The concept you choose doesn't necessarily need to be creative, but the way you present the concept is what matters! As mentioned earlier, the cafe concept is popular among graphic shops, so if you choose to give your shop a cafe concept, you'll have to find ways to make it stand out compared to the other shops.

If you're looking for graphic shop concepts or ways to make your concept ideas stand out, I hope I can help you through my ideas here! Feel free to use any of my ideas. You don't need to ask for my permission to use them, but I'd appreciate some credit if you do use them!


Many graphic shops include templates: ready-made covers with certain layouts that can be customized according to a customer's book! Designers usually name their templates so customers can easily differentiate and choose specific templates that they want. My concept ideas will also include name ideas for templates!


Notes: Cafe and bakery concepts are the most popular concepts that I've seen in graphic shops. They're super similar, so I just put them together here (though I guess bakeries are more food-based.) Since they're such popular concepts, it's important to make your cafe/bakery concept unique! Giving it a memorable name and an eye-catching look will help make your shop stand out. 

Function/Interaction: The designer is a cafe/bakery owner who makes drinks and treats for their customers! Customers will browse what the shop has to offer, then order whatever they'd like!

Template Names: The templates could be displayed like a menu of drinks and treats! The templates could be named after types of coffee or foods such as donuts or cakes. 

Extra Ideas: Cafes and bakeries sometimes have special drinks or foods made only for a limited amount of time. You could make an extra set of templates and promote them as a once-in-a-lifetime deal, or you could allow a larger number of customers to order from you for a month! This can make the shop more fun, and people would just have to take advantage of these deals. 


Notes: I haven't seen any graphic shops with a comfort concept. It's a cute sort of concept, and if you make simple, light-hearted graphics, I think this would be a great concept to use! 

Function/Interaction: The designer and the customer are friends! If the customer is in need of some emotional help, the designer can provide them with comforting things. 

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