Chapter 12: Unexpected actions

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It has been a month and two weeks since Dream and Cross have been planning on how to get both Killer and Nightmare together or at least to become friends. Nightmare and Killer on the other hand have been ignoring each other, trying to get away when possible.

The king and queen have given up on the idea of Killer being the next queen. Not completely but temporarily so other princesses would sometimes come over to try and get with him. They offered their hands and always wore more elegant dresses than Killer.

Nightmare actually started talking with one of them, her name was Ccino. She was truly a sweetheart. For some reason Killer felt... jealous... but also quite glad. Though she didn't understand why she was jealous, she knew why she was glad. Who would want to marry someone who could easily murder you and even if you try self-defense you will be killed because you killed someone who was a royal or very important person.

Sometimes life wasn't fair, even Killer knew. But she didn't always like to accept it. Some things just seemed so unfair. As if they never were to happen but somehow they did.

And one of those moments was right now.

"Let her go" a deep voice growled.

"She literally just fell off a f*ck*ng tree! We have to take her to heal her!" another male voice snapped, but younger.

All Killer could see was... really not anything. It was all too blurry. Though something warm trickled down her face, she didn't really know what it was. It was kind of thick but kind of sweet. Slowly she raised her hand and touched the liquid. Slowly bringing it in front of her.

All she could see was a bright, blurry, red color. Blood... she was bleeding. She normally bleeds a lot before she even gets on the list to marry the prince. After getting into the list she was forced to still do exercises but very easy ones. She was given less food on purpose so she didn't have as much energy to exercise before.

Her body started feeling cold as if all her energy was being drained out. Black spots started forming on the end of her eyes. She couldn't see anything through them.

More nervous screaming, talking, and arguing could be heard. Soon she felt as if she was lifted. But not off the ground. She was laid against someone's chest and had her face hidden on their shoulder. They slowly wrapped their arms around her waist and another grabbed her shoulder to keep her in place.

Her body that once felt cold and drained started feeling warm. It felt as if she was more alive, though how she did not know.

Soon enough the comfort was taken away but not the warmth. She felt a stinging sensation on the right side of her forehead. She flinched and tried to move away but whoever was holding her grabbed her tighter. After what felt like forever the pain went away and she was brought back to the warmth.

She could hear a bit better, there was a lot of bickering going on which confused her. She tried opening her eyes but everything was too blurry and the dark spots on the corner of her eyes were getting worse and worse. She tried sitting up but was forced to lay down again.

"You idiot..."


Killer woke up with a horrible headache, when she looked around she discovered she wasn't in her room. She was in a huge room, bigger than Dreams. She slowly touched her forehead just to feel her hair. She was perfectly fine... she was confused. Where exactly was she? What had happened.

All she remembered was that she was being teased by Nightmare that she couldn't climb trees. Soon she tripped down and everything went dark. What exactly was happening? Was she in heaven?

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