The new divide

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After the events solar flare got frustrated and a uncontrollable kill, but she learned to control it but sometimes she wonders "is she I wrong..?" She was a fighter, a warrior, a hero..she kept walking round a plant town filled with types of peashooters and more exclusive plants like moonflower, she came from a savage town called modern days, which was a new divide on the plants lives but she knew she can't be here long, she had to be back at the towers for any battle, so that's wat she did..but a rage filled her eyes and anger flooded her bones, she stepped one leaf on the battle floors, her eyes red, and dark, her opponent looked terrified of her and shook in fear, he thought she will kill him, as the rounds start her rage overcame her and she went full Aggro and kept hitting the opponent with high damages that only at round 6 he was defeated, she put her leaves into a fist and walks off and snatched her winners ticket and went off, Greenshadow actually witness the whole thing as felt fearful of her as well as any plant who was on the stands who saw the battle as well, she gave them all a death glare which made them tremble in fear, greenshadow felt like it was her fault she's like this, so she knew she had to change her back but it'll be a hard task to fulfill, solar flare left looking like a ball of fire which made any plant back off from her, she kicked a rock into a sewer drain and pushed a seedling out the way making it fall into the floor and made it cry but she was heartless with all the rage flooding. By the next day she stayed in her home, no lights and blinds down making the whole house pitch dark and didn't want to know bout anything and hid under her bed with a bag of cookies eating them til she felt like throwing up, she suddenly heard a knock on the door and shockingly took out a knife to who ever came in or near her, but she didn't come out, but it was greenshadow, she kicked down the door prepared for anything, she went upstairs with shaking leaves and a knife flew past her head and heard a wicked laugh, she already knew it was her, she went to the room and dived down and looked under the bed which solar dives out giving greenshadow a nasty scratch and making her yelp in pain and fall to the floor backing up, solar flare got close and gave her another slash and ran off in the pitch black, greenshadow got up and guided herself out and looked at the nasty scratches and got chills looking at them, it looked like a werewolf slashed her but she knew it was some sort of rage that she had to take out her and change her to normal. After a while she found her way to her home and got a first aid kit and cleaned up the scratches and wrapped them up, she layed down looking at the ceiling thinking to herself "I wished I'd never made her mad...she was so sweet" she thought of all the good times she had with her, it made her a bit emotional but it gave her to strength to know she'll change her back no matter the cost.

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