Chapter 37 [Kill the Killer]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

It was the morning after i had killed Ogre and i had the feeling that today there'de be another problem likely another tough target, Kurome was clung to me the entire night because Sheele had taken my shirt off the night before and she had gotten jelious but i still had to get up regardless of if Kurome wanted to sleep in.

I walked out to the meeting room and was meet by the boss and Bro who were whating for everyone to get up and be enformed of our next target.

Najenda:"Alright now that you're awake i'll tell you who our target, his name is Zanku, he was the executioner for the empire's largest prison up until he stole the warden's Teigu now he's went on a killing spree and he's been pinning it on us we have to kill him and fast."

Tatsumi:"Alright then let's deal with him."

Bulat:"Now now Tatsumi it may be dangerous we should travel in pair's you may be in danger."

Tatsumi:"If you remember i have experience with fighting powerful enemies and i have a rather powerful Teigu on my side i think i could beat him."

Mine:"Don't be so cocky punk.":(I don't wanna have to see another one of my friend's die again, i've seen to many good people die because of it.)

Najenda:"Alright you will be traveling in pair's Bulat you're with Sheele, Lubbock you're with Leone, Mine you're with Doya, Tatsumi you're with Akame, Kurome you're with Natala, and Tsukushi you're with Gin, the rest of you will stay behind and protect the base."

All:"Yes boss!"

Since none of us had been seen during our mission's so far we could do this without worrying about being caught by the empirial police and killed by them.

We started around the capital lookimg for this serial killer once we find him we'll kill him for his crime's.

Tatsumi:(Why do i feel so weak, is [Shadowbain] shuting down? I don't think they shut down it's probably just me being paranoid.)

Akame:"Are you alright Tatsumi?"

Tatsumi:"Yeah i'm fine."

Akame:"No you're not i can tell."

She started looking at me with a serious look on her face.

Tatsumi:"Well you caught me, for some reason i feel like [Shadowbain] is getting weaker especally after the fight with Gozuki and Merraid but for a while i just thought it was something to do with me but this morning when i grabed it i couldn't feel it's aura."

Akame:"Hm i'll speak with Boss about it when we get back to base she know's a lot about Teigu's she should know what's going on."

We kept looking around town until i found him and engaged in combat.

Zanku:"It's surprising that you could see through my illusion sight but that won't save you from me."

Tatsumi:"Shadow Sheild!"

Now my suspision has been conformed.

Tatsumi:"Crap, SHADOW SHEILD!"

Finally it activated and right on time too, his wrist blade clashed with my shadowed aura but it didn't really help i couldn't land a hit on him.

My sheild faded and he landed quite a hit on me slashing right into my stomach.


Zanku:"Heheheh the first round goes to Zanku the executioner! Will the challenger stand back up or will Zanku be victorious?!"

Tatsumi:"You're so god damn annoying. Have you ever considered shutting the fuck up?"

I said with a smirk on my face 'cause i knew who is next challenger would be.

Zanku:"Hah as if you scare me little man."

Suddenly [Murasame] hit the ground infront of Zanku then my girl Akame came in ripping the sword out of the ground.

Akame:"Thank goodness i found you Tatsumi, i'll eliminate him and then i'll tend to your wound's."

Zanku:"Look's like Akame of the demon sword has steped into the ring in place of Tatsumi of the chaos blade."

Akame and Zanku clashed after his illusion sight failed again and to the surprise of no one Akame won without being hit once.

Akame and Zanku clashed after his illusion sight failed again and to the surprise of no one Akame won without being hit once

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Zanku:"I-I don't hear them anymore, Th-Thank you i'm finally free from the voice's."

Tatsumi:"You did it!"

Akame smiled then tended to my wound's and we headed back to base.

Najenda:"You're finally back i was starting to worry."

Akame:"Boss i think Tatsumi's Teigu may be shutting down."

Najenda:"Huh but that's impossible Teigu's don't shut down from what i know."

Najasho:"I know why."

Tatsumi:"Then what's the reason?"

Najasho:"Because the [Shadowbain] that you hold is just-

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter i'll see y'all later bye]

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