34 - blue haired wizard child

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Noctivagant (verb); to wander at night

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Noctivagant (verb); to wander at night

Day twenty eight.

【 ϟ 】

March 12th 1998
Stick and poke tattoos were something Amora couldn't quite wrap her head around. She'd been a very sheltered child especially to the muggle world, apparently Ginny hadn't. Ginny had been told about them by a muggle-born hufflepuff years ago, and now here they were. They found the ink with the needle in a small box located in the attic. They only really went snooping when they were bored, and forty minutes ago was not and exception. It wasn't very light in the attic nor was the floor the most comfortable place to sit, but terror and boredom got the best of them sometimes. Ginny had offered to do hers first to show her how to do it though now Amora wasn't sure Ginny knew all to well either.

She carefully poked Amoras shoulder with the ink, re-dipping the needle in the bottle every three pokes or so. She'd decided on a butterfly on a rose, she didn't have a reason in particular. Of course, roses were her favorite flower. They reminded her of the cliché romance films her aunt always played for them while they ate. She'd never given much thought to the prince, he never played a significant role in the films. It was always the brave princess, or perhaps a damsel in distress, it was only at the end when they're prince charming would show.

"Is it rude to still be mad at Harry?"

Amora looked up from her poked arm.

"No, why?"

"It's just, I know why he left, I'm not stupid its just- why did he have to worry so much about me? I survived him," her voice contorted with disgust "when I was eleven. He could've taken me with him."

Amora shrugged at her. They'd been talking a lot about Harry, but they hadn't talked about what happened to her in months.

"He could've."

Ginnys eyes brows knitted together in concentration. She dipped the needle in the ink and took a breath, before allowing herself to relax. She changed the subject.

"What do you plan on doing after the war?"

She'd been thinking a lot about that. Truth is she never really thought of it before a few months ago. Her entire life revolves around the war, it was such a strange feeling to think that there was going to be a time that she wouldn't have to be in the middle of it. Her first consideration was the obvious, move to some rural area with Ginny and become an auror. It was only when she thought more about it that she realized she genuinely had better options.

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