Chapter 13 - "Party people"

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'You can never get complacent because a loss is always around the corner." - Venus Williams

It has been a week since I last had a nightmare. So far, there were no reports of Wolfblood or werewolves being attacked or killed. The Skinwalker must have known that the pack was on the hunt. To all our relief, everything seemed to be peaceful and gave the illusion that we can get back to our normal lives.

Maybe, it was keeping things on the down low, maybe, it was changing its tactics, maybe, it was planning for something big. But for now, it was quiet. It didn't fool the council though, they were still on high alert.

Speaking of normal lives, Sajie was stressing me, she was so tense that she was rubbing some of it on me. She was so frazzled about Adam's birthday party. She kept on saying that everyone whose anyone will be there.

"V, I invited Lorraine, tell her I added her plus one to the guest list" Sajie said with obvious panic in her voice.

Intuition was telling me that Lorraine has finally settled things with Jp. Most probably, they were trying to work things out. Well, I have my fingers crossed.

"Sure thing Sajie, I'll give her a call a little later" I replied.

"Do it now please" she commanded.

I kind of understood my sister, I knew that all she wanted was to throw the party of the decade. It sort of reminded me of a movie I once watched, Van Wilder...

But then again, that dude, never had difficulties throwing a party! It just came natural.

But hands down to Sajie, she was able to keep it a secret from Adam. She wanted it to be a surprise, therefore, acknowledged that she can't do it alone! So, she has been harassing everyone for errands.

"Did the food arrive yet?"

"The decorations look awful"

"Where the hell is Aiden?" Sajie asked, clearly agitated that the party would go less than perfect.

"Aiden is with Adam remember? You told him what to do yesturday. Can you relax a bit?" I said.

Aiden was assigned to distract Adam for the rest of the day, he was given strict instructions by my sister to make sure he didn't come home till the whole thing was ready and set up. Sajie and I lied about our whereabouts, telling Adam we were visiting a sick relative. The rest helped with the decorations. The council was less than thrilled knowing about this shindig but doubtingly agreed to it - as Sajie, under false pretenses, disguised the party as a meet and greet for the combined pack.

Adam's house looked absolutely amazing. The air was cool, the lights beamed through the room jiving to the boppin' music. This was thanks to the professional DJ Sajie hired.

She really did go above and beyond, the party was sure to be perfect. Guests started to arrive, a couple of Adam's soccer friends, college friends ,the cool kids from Highschool ofcourse. The dynamic trio of Charmaine, Woody and Bullet. Sajie was true to her word, almost everyone is here.

I also saw a couple of wolfbloods who looked familiar, some even from Tayler's pack. Sam and Clarrisa was also present and seemed to be enjoying themselves. Sajie seemed pleased with herself, she actually pulled it off.

The DJ jockied his disks like cooking pancakes, the sound thrumped the dance floor and melted the crowd into music. The night was alive.

"Surprise" we all said in unison as Adam walked it.

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