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Face claim for my OC's (I don't have a ton in this book but there will be more introduced in later books) and all the newsies' ages (I have changed some of them)

Carey Mulligan as Cassandra 'Caz' Higgins

Carey Mulligan as Cassandra 'Caz' Higgins

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Astrid Barrsma as Andrea 'Andy' Brewer

Astrid Barrsma as Andrea 'Andy' Brewer

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Newsie Ages:

Jack Kelly- 18

David Jacobs- 17

Crutchie Morris- 15

Les Jacobs- 9

Racetrack Higgins- 17

Finch Cortes- 17

Albert DaSilva- 17

Romeo Butler- 13

Henry Butler- 17

Mush Meyers- 14

Specs Willis- 18

Jojo Guerra- 16

Elmer Kasprzak- 14

Buttons Davenport- 16

Tommy Boy- 17

Sniper Wah- 17

Kid Blink Baletti- 13

Mike (I can't find their last names lol)- 15

Ike- 15

My OC's:

Caz Higgins- 17

Andy Brewer- 17

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