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Six months later

"Okay, Solange go downstairs and wet a face towel and bring it back to me

"Okay, a clean one?" Solange asked.

"Naw the towel you wash dishes with, yes a fucking clean towel Solange" Beyoncé said to Solange.

"I was just asking" Solange said rolling her eyes running downstairs cause Normani started to cry again.

"What the fuck is wrong with you" Beyoncé said to her self as she tried to rock Normani to sleep.

Beyoncé been going through Hell theses pass six months Normani wakes up at all kind of hours of night, she wanted Beyoncé to hold her when she sleep, Beyoncé couldn't be out of Normani eye sight or she have a temper tantrum. Now normani want stop crying, she want eat, want go to sleep, and she drooling like crazy.

Beyoncé didn't know what to do, now she think Normani is running a fever.

"Here you go" Solange said handing Beyoncé the warm towel.

"Thanks baby" Beyoncé said sitting Normani down, but of course Normani wasn't having it so she throw herself backwards and started to scream.

"What's wrong with her?" Solange asked feeling bad for her baby sister cause she couldn't tell them what was wrong.

"I don't know" Beyoncé said feeling overwhelmed.

"I found your phone" Solange said handing Beyoncé her phone.

"Thanks baby oh my gosh" Beyoncé said.

"You welcome" Solange said sitting on Beyoncé bed to soothe her baby sister.

"Here put this on her forehead" Beyoncé said handing Solange back the warm towel.

Solange put the towel on Normani forehead, making Normani stop crying and try to grab it.

Beyoncé unlocked her phone and went to Safari and looked up 'why her baby was not eating, sleeping and drooling'.

"Oh shit she teething" Beyoncé said putting her phone down and picking up her baby sister.

She put her fingers in Normani mouth and normani instantly started to teethe at them.

" 'Hey Siri what do I buy for a baby that's teething'" Beyoncé asked.

'Okay, I found this on this on the web for 'What do I buy a baby that's teething' check it out" Siri said back.

Beyoncé picked up her phone and clicked the first website.

What's the best way to soothe sore gums?

If your teething baby seems uncomfortable, consider these simple tips:

Rub your baby's gums. Use a clean finger or wet gauze to rub your baby's gums. The pressure can ease your baby's discomfort.
Keep it cool. A cold spoon or chilled — not frozen — teething ring can be soothing on a baby's gums. To avoid cavities, don't dip these items in sugary substances.
Try an over-the-counter remedy. If your baby is especially cranky, consider giving him or her infants' or children's over-the-counter pain medications such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others).

"I can give a baby ibuprofen?" Beyoncé asked herself.

"Well I guess imma have to use my fingers till I found a way to buy teething rings" Beyoncé said to her baby sister who just looked up at her with glossy eyes.

"My poor baby was in pain and I was yelling at you, I'm so sorry baby" Beyoncé said to Baby Normani feeling like a bad 'Mother'.

"It's okay BB you didn't know and you was sleepy" Solange said.

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