chapter 5

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your pov

so after class was over  packed my stuff and kiri came up to me

"hey beautiful" he said

"hey k- what?" i asked looking up and him

"i was saying hi" he said and i shake my head

"no no no did you call me beautiful?" i asked and he looked nervous

"yea i thought you wouldnt mind because i think your beautiful....unless you dont want me to call you that because it may be cheesey" he said and i just look at him

"ok ill stop" he says and i nod

"thank you" i say packing my stuff

"you 2 make me sick with your flirting" bakugou mumbles and i walk up to him

"you said sum" i asked and he bumps my shoulder

"oh yea my bad i thought a lame ass bitch said sum" i say shrugging my shoulders and he turns around with a smirk

"you wanna fight or something" he asked

"ugh it would be my honor to beat yo ass after lunch" i say and he smiles a little and goes to lunch. i turn around to face kiri with a smile and see him eyeing bakugou. i couldnt make out this face it was a look ive never seen on him before

it was like he was angry but like calmly angry but disgusted...jealousy??? naw. well i actually dont know. i thumped his fore head and brought him back to reality

"ow" he said rubbing his forehead. i shake my head i look up to see todoroki right next to me

"oh hey u ready" i ask and he nods

"mkay bye kiri" i say as we walk away. i look behind us and see him hesitantly wave . i kinda feel bad and ii wanna go back but we are starting over. todoroki and i grab our luch and find somewhere to sit

"ok so tell me about yourself" he says and i nod. 

"ok well (same shii from last chapter) my quirk is earth bending" i tell him and he nods

"ok well my quirk is half ice half fire which i got from both of my parents" he said

"who?" i asked

"my mother and my-"

"asked my nigga. sike naw but like tell me about yourself like what do you like to do and shii" i say and he smiles A LITTLE.

"oh yea i got uu to smile 2 times in a day. we're friends" i tell him

"no we're not" he says

"hoed. but ok not yet at least but back to the subject at hand" i say and he just looks at me

"well i dont do anything but train" he says and my jaw drops 

"oh hell naw we're doing something together" i say and he shakes his head

"no. i have to train"he says 

"naw naw naw you can train. we can even train together if you'd like but we're doing something what do you like?" i asked and he shrugged

"im not sure" he says and i just look at him

"mkay well we can do a lot of stuff and then we'll figure it out together" i tell him and he looks at me

"whats wrong" i ask

"nothing. i guess we could become friends ive never had one" he said and i smile

"hell yea we gang now" i say and he nods

"your smile is pretty. and do you think the first thing we do together is reading and listening to music. i guess since you like it, it should be good" he says

"thank you and sure. we can do it tomorrow at my house if you'd like" i say and he smiles a little

"whats that?" i ask pointing at his bowl

"cold soba wanna try some" he asks and i nod. he comes sits next to me and gets some soba in his chop sticks and points it at me. i was a little confused until he pointed at my mouth. i was still confused, i guess he saw my confusion bcuz he put his hand under my chin and made me open my mouth then he fed me the soba

"mmm mts gmmd" i say with my mouth close and he was confused once i was done i spoke

"i said mm its good thanks bro" i said and he nods

kiris pov

dammit man why would i just let her leave with him? now who am i gonna sit with?

"KIRISHIMA OVER HERE"denki screamed

"SHUT THE HELL UP" bakugou yelled at him. i smile and go over to them. once i sat down we started to talk and y/n came up in the subject

"so man whats up with you and y/n" sero asked 

"we're umm cool" i tell him

"just cool? good because i wanted to make a move on her" denki says and i glare at him

"i mean we're friends who had some history. just not like that" i tell them

"well can you put in a good word for me" he asked 

"no shes not gonna like you" i tell him and he rolls his eyes

'bcuz i like her and i know the type of people she likes' "because youre a flirt. shes also a flirt but in her eyes two of the same people would never work out" i tell him and he puts his head down


your pov

after luch we had training with all might. i was on midoriyas team and i beat bakugous ass. him and deku had some type of beef so i let them handle that too. after that tho it was time to go so i said good bye to todoroki and walked home. on the way home i stopped by the store to grab some snacks for tomorrow and i saw bakugou

"yoo" i call out to him and he rolls his eyes

"naw dont een don that" i tell him

"get away from me extra" he says

"boy shut yo ass up. anyways i you did pretty good for someone who talked all that shit. im not gonna bother you too much but you have my respect. we're kinda alike in a way. not too much on that tho" i tell him 

"we're nothing alike" he says and i get an idea

"is it bcuz im black" i asked and he pauses shocked

"no dumbass. ur really fucking annoying" he says and i laugh. i pay for my stuff and leave

"naw im fuxkin with you ill see uu at school tomorrow" i say he doesnt say anything and i head home

word count: 1049

brown sugar (kirishima x black reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ