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It only took him a moment to find her she raced ahead of him. Her magic pushing her faster even his longer limbs could not keep up with her. "Ana!" He said loudly. "No!" she said pushing faster. "Ana, please" Loki said breathless as he reached her in the garden. "No, YOU DID THIS!" she said tears streaming down her face. He was caught off guard momentarily forgetting the reason he found his true nature. "You must understand!" he countered. The anger coursing in her veins made her power pulse beneath her skin. She turned the power now manifesting in golden light surrounding her "Well I don't GOD OF LIES!" Loki stopped taking her in every single molecule in her was vibrating with power. He worried that the loss of Thor would prove too much for her. Would she hate him now? Did his truth break their relationship? She only called him that when she was angry, he knew that it was a feeble attempt at explaining this latest misstep "it was supposed to be a prank! You we not supposed to encourage him to defy father! You knew that going to Johtunheim was forbidden! You knew that and yet you did it anyway and now Thor is banished!" he took a step closer raising his hands in defense. He dark skin was glowing as the power emanated from her. Her long dark hair wound and unwound at the ends in fury "How was I to know--" Ana's eyes glowed with rage "Do not lie to me Loki... you may be the God of lies but you can not lie to me!" He closed his eyes taking a breath. It was true, he couldn't lie to her... any one but her. He was not sure why, but her Midgardian magic made it impossible for him to be untruthful to her. "Ana, please" she was taking deep breaths to calm down. "Thor will not know how to be himself without his powers" She said eyes closed. Loki stopped his heart beat faster at the sound of sadness in her voice. She cared for her brother and somehow that made it harder for Loki to manage.  She took one last deep breath and opened her eyes. The golden light that was enveloping her had succumbed and was now focused in her eyes as they glowed with an eerie hue filled with malice. ."but then again this might be for the best" she said with a soft smirk.

He looked up at her in utter confusion, then a smile grew on his face. "I know" She moved closer to him the space between them filled with a burning power. In one moment he knew that she was on his side. She too had lived in Thor's shadow for too long and she too had been a pawn in Odin's master plan. Loki's plan was clever, but she was scared of what might happen to him should anyone find out. He took another step closer and looked down at her. "Loki, I'm scared. If Thor could so easily be banished what about you? I can not lose you too." Loki felt her power pulse but took her in his arms. It had been years since he had touched her, the pain of their magical barrier had gotten stronger with time.  The sharp pain of her power shocked him but he dismissed it. "Ana I would never leave you here alone." She sobbed the events of the day ricocheted in her mind. "Loki, I love you, you are my brother and I would not bear it to lose you." she whispered. He took a sharp breath in, the revelation from Odin fresh in his mind. Ana was supposed to be his future, his life in Asgard as a political refugee was to lead to a marriage with the daughter of Odin. He smiled at her, this had been his plan all along. "As I do you" The God of lies and mischief was nothing without a scheme or plan. Marrying the daughter of Odin would earn him a place closer to the throne being that Ana was his favorite daughter, and his plan to rid himself of Thor was going splendidly. But now he had two horrible issues. His true parentage and his very real feelings for Ana. "Loki, we must talk to Frigga. She will know what our next step should be. We must be prepared. If father finds out that we opened that portal for the frost giants he will surely banish us as well." He was pulled out his thoughts by her soft touch on his face. "Loki, do not fret I will protect you from fathers wrath" she reassured him. He smiled down at her letting her go as he could see the pain was much to contain.  "Let's find mother". He would never be the same, he would always feel less than because of his truth. She had seen it many years ago a vision of Loki in his jotun form.  The vision of a frost giant Loki was clearer with the passing of time. She always  knew who he was but Before she could take it further  he portaled them to Frigga sanctuary, knowing that with this latest events that is where she would be. "Loki" she said taking him in her arms "There is much to do, with your father in Odin sleep it is up to you to guide Ana to rule in his stead you must be a united front. They will not look at you for what happened to Thor my dear, they will look at Loki for suspicion." She said then  turned to lead them further into the room so she did not see the ghost of a smirk on Loki's face. It clicked. This was his plan. This was always his plan and in  that very moment Ana knew that she was pawn in Loki very intricately woven plan. He turned to her holding out his hand for her smiling "Coming... pet?" She smiled That's what she was to him... A pet. Something to appease until he found use for her. Loki wanted to rule asgard, But what he didn't plan for was his fall from grace and her rise to the Asgardian throne. He had done most of the work getting rid of their brother and now he had paved the way for them to rise. But Ana knew that Odin would not give Thor an unsurmountable task without a loophole. She knew that her brother would somehow succeed. But the only problem with this plan was how she felt for the Jotun prince. She smiled at him putting her sweet façade back on. "Yes" She shielded her mind locking her plans where no one would be able to intrude, for she was alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2021 ⏰

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