chapter 18

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Here I am.

In town.



Not going to freak out because I feel an ache in my chest like last time.

Not going to go back to my house and cry because I am going to be forever alone.

I'm not going to think these thoughts as I try and relax.

Caroline was right... some what. I feel a little better.

A little.

Oh who the hell do I think I'm kidding. I am a complete mess. Elijah leaves for a week and I'm blubbering in my bed as if the world has ended. Grow up Samantha, you have been around for 2 thousand years and now you are acting up. Boo hoo cry me a river. Not even a year ago I was going on that I don't need a man in my life. Yeah he's my mate. He'll be back. Might be a while but who cares. If I can last centuries with out him you can last over a weak. Maybe even another thousand years.


Yucky idea. Bad thought.

Just the thought made a bad taste in my mouth.

Alright. I looked around to see that I was no longer in the town and instead in the woods. I walked a little farther in till I was standing in front of a large white oak tree. I planted this tree. Looking at it now I can't even wrap my arms around it. The roots were thicker than my legs as they reached the surface as if to try and trip.someone that walked by. Along time ago when I was a kid. I would explore the farm land. This whole forest was nothing but hills and wheat. It was so weird looking at everything as if your time had never existed as if my life never happened. And some times. I wish it hadn't.

Silas's sister (Elijah mikaelson) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now