Farewell, Big Sister

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   Fueha had to be taken to the hospital but things looked very grim for her and no one expected her to live. Tsurara ran down to the dish.
   "How could you do that, Mistress Saki?!" Tsurara shouted.
   "Looks like my little lost Aurorus has returned," Saki smirked.
   Tsurara grabbed Tyson's hand.
   "Please Tyson!" she begged him. "Don't fight her! You're going to die!"
   "I have to fight," Tyson told her.
   "No!" Tsurara yelled. "Tyson please don't!"
   Saki pulled out her Pokeball and sent Tsurara back to it.
   "Isn't that better?" Saki questioned. "Now then, who's battling?"
   "I am," Tyson said.
   "Move aside," Kai growled.
   "I'll fight," Ray denied.
   "Let me," Max said.
   "Fine, you all can," Saki told them, readying her blade.
   The Blade Breakers readied theirs.
   "3, 2, 1!" Blader DJ counted.
   "Let it rip!" the bladers shouted, launching their beys.
   "Go Tryhorn!"
   It was no surprise that Saki was using another bit beast first. Tryhorn stampeded at them.
   The four bit beasts appeared.
   "Beautiful," Saki breathed. "I want them all! Go now, Trygator!"
   Tryhorn disappeared and was replaced by Trygator. The alligator ran forward, opening its huge mouth.
   "Take the hit, Draciel!"
   Draciel ran in and took the hit. What would've been a powerful blow to Dragoon was a mere scratch to Draciel.
   "Fool!" Saki shouted. "Grifolyon!"
   The griffon bit beast appeared and slashed at them.
   Dranzer flew in and beat Grifolyon off.
   "Salamolyon!" Saki called.
   Grifolyon disappeared to be replaced by Salamolyon. Great heat was created by it.
   "Time to cool off. Draciel!"
   A wave created by Draciel swamped Salamolyon, making the bit beast disappear.
   The monkey bit beast raced at them.
   Drigger pounced on Galman making that bit beast disappear.
   "I can't believe it," Tyson said. "We're beating her."
   "Saki can't beat us as a team!" Max agreed.
   "Frustrated yet, Saki?" Kai taunted.
   Saki roared. "All those bit beasts," she began, "are useless and worthless compared to mine. Drahneir!"
   Drahneir appeared and called out, spreading its tails and creating the void quicker than ever.
   "This is going to be tough," Ray said.
   "Void Claws!" Saki commanded.
   Super long claws appeared on Drahneir as it stood on its hind legs. With a cry, it lunged at Drigger and slashed at it hard, sending the blade out of the stadium. It split to pieces.
   "I'm sorry guys," Ray said.
   "Don't worry about a thing," Tyson told him. "Dragoon!"
   "Wait up Tyson!" Max yelled at him. "Draciel!"
   Draciel raced forward and let out a powerful cry.
   "Keep up your Void Claws," Saki commanded.
   Drahneir clawed Draciel apart. The blade shattered. 
   "No! Draciel!" Max yelled.
   "Now then," Saki said, a smirk appearing on her face. "Little brother, it's time for my revenge! I would say I'm sorry, Tyson, that you have to be caught up in this, but I'm not in the least bit."
   "I didn't think so," Tyson said.
   "Tyson!" Kai yelled at his team mate. "Use Phantom Hurricane!"
   Tyson nodded and commanded, "Phantom Hurricane!"
   The tornado appeared, raging.
   "Dranzer!" Kai shouted. Dranzer raced into the tornado and was flung into the air. "Flame Saber!"
   Dranzer exploded into flame as it crashed down on Drahneir.
   "Alright!" Ray exclaimed as Drahneir was flung into the air.
   "You think that'll stop me?!" Saki questioned. "Go Drahneir!" Drahneir landed safely on the edge of the stadium. "Void Storm!"
   The blades of void rose up into the air.
   "Tyson!" Kai yelled. "Dranzer, Spiral Survivor!"
   Dranzer ran in front of Dragoon and defended Dragoon and Tyson with flames. However, Dranzer took a lot of damage and was shredded by the onslaught. Only Tyson was left.
   "You're all alone now," Saki laughed.
   "No I'm not!" Tyson denied. "I have my friends by my side! My friends who believe in me! That's something you could never understand. But that's the reason I'm going to win here and now!"
   The three bit beasts rose from their bits. And then Dragoon appeared to lead them.
   "You can't stop me!" Saki declared. "Void Storm!"
   The storm began again and the blades tore into Tyson. But still he hung on.
   "Go!" Tyson shouted.
   All four bit beasts joined as one and crashed into Drahneir. The bey split into its separate parts and fell at Saki's feet. She stared dumbfounded as all the stolen bit beasts came out and made their way back home.
   "I can't believe it," Saki breathed. "I have lost."
   The Pokeball rolled out of Saki's pocket. Tyson ran to it before Saki could react and grabbed it. He sent Tsurara out, dropped the ball to the ground, and stomped on it.
   "Tyson!" Tsurara cried, hugging Tyson.
   "It's over," Tyson told her. "Saki's beaten and you're free."
   "No, you're not."
   Borris and his men walked in then, wielding guns.
   "Hand the gijinka over," Borris commanded. "Or we'll blow this place up. We've already placed bombs."
   "Tyson, get out of here," Kai commanded. "You need to evacuate everyone."
   "What about you?" asked Tyson.
   "I'll keep them busy," Kai told him.
   "Tyson, all those people," Tsurara said. "Kai will be fine. But they won't."
   Tyson nodded and looked to his team mates. They nodded and began rushing everyone out of there.
   "So, you oppose us?" questioned Borris.
   "You bet," Kai growled.
   Suddenly, Saki knocked Kai aside.
   "Run," she commanded him. "If this place is going to blow you better run."
   "Saki," Kai said, not believing this.
   "I said run!" she yelled at him. "Or you're gonna get shot."
   Kai wisely ran. Saki pulled a gun.
   "You dare fight us?" Borris asked.
   "That's right," Saki said.
   And to prove this, Saki shot one of Borris's men right though the skull. They all then fired at her and she kept shooting. Saki began to laugh as she killed them and blood splattered on her. But then a bullet from Borris went right through Saki's skull, exiting on the other side and she fell. Her blade rolled out of her pocket and came to a stop at Kai's feet. He had stopped just ahead of the exit. Kai reached down and grabbed Drahneir.
   "Farewell, big sister," he said before running out completely.

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