Grass Boy

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It's now been two weeks and no sign of him. Not that I care he can go steal someone else's cow.

My tutor is coming in tomorrow so I guess I'll be starting school again.

Other than that nothing has really been going on. Right now I'm just sitting on my bed unpacking the last box of my things. Taking a look into the worn out cardboard box I see a few useless pieces of junk. An old scratched up snow globe from when I was twelve and we went to Niagara Falls. An old brown teddy bear from my childhood named Bear Bear, I look at his one eye and patched fur and sigh, thinking about how babies are so innocent they don't know about the terrible people that live in this world. I look a little closer into the box and see a folded up piece of paper.

It's a photo of me and my father.


It was me when I was young and sitting in his shoulders. We were laughing and joking around. It was the last picture taken of us together.

I wipe a stray tear and slip it under my mattress.

"Ella dinner!"

I walk down the stairs in silence.

"Ella hun what's wrong baby?" My mother coos.

"Nothing just found something if dads is all."

A hurt look crosses her face.

"Alright well as long your fine we can eat."

Wow thanks for the sympathy mom.

So I sit down. In front of me a selection of mashed potatoes, beans, and thin slices of pork.

Tyler sits opposite of me and starts eating like a pig. And mom sits at the head of the table doing the same. I delicately slice my meal and eat in silence.

The pork is stringy and the beans and potatoes are cold but at least it's food, right?

After dinner I help clear up the mess, and start with the dishes.

By the end my nails are chipped and my hair is messy.

I need some fresh air.

Walking out the front door I hear Tyler complaining about not wanting to go to bed.

I take a seat far into the field where the grass grows long and burry my face into my hands. I'm such an emotional wreck when it comes to my father.

"AHHHHHHHH" someone yells as they jump onto me and we tumble a few feet. I try to catch my breath but there is a body on top of me.

"Miss me Tomato?" He asks.

Oh it's him. The no good, cow stealing bad boy.

"Not much."

"Awwww common you know you did." He looks at me with a crooked grin.

And I can't help but laugh.

"No I didn't I was actually hoping you had been relocated to Antarctica so I would never have to see you again."

"Ouch Tomato that hurt." he says with a fake hurt expression.

"My name is Ella."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Tomato."

I groan and push him off of me.

"Hey wait. Where are you going?" He asks.


"Awwwww come back we were just starting to have fun. Come play in the grass with me." he says as he stands up and walks towards me.

"No we weren't having fun and no I will not play in the grass with you now goodbye grass boy." Wait grass boy?

"Grass boy?" He looks shocked.

"Yes now goodnight."

"My names Xander," he corrects.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night grass boy."

And I walk away.


Hello! So this is chapter three. I'm hoping you guys like it so far and I will be updating soon so watch out for those!

So leave comments I'm not one to beg for votes so I would appreciate it if you did vote but if you don't I won't be mad!

So I love getting comments it makes my day and pm me about names if you want your name or another name in the book because I have not decided the names for future characters. But keep in mind it is first come first serve! And do not leave requests in the comments because I will probably not see them!

So read on my dears!

- Rose 😘

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