The Arcus Manor

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TW/CW: strained relationship with family, some violence (more like rough grabs really), nausea/vomit, mentions of feeling depressed

Once again, this may be a whirlwind of emotions. We are getting closer and closer to the happy ending you all will love. The sadness will make the happiness taste sweeter, I promise ;) 

Song recommendation: "Medicine" By: Daughter 

"It's here." Tigris held a crisp white envelope in her hand, turning it over, a dark emerald wax seal was visible. 

Just what Cassandra was hoping for. Just what she was dreading. 

A message from her father. 

Gravis ripped it open, paying no attention to the expensive stationary. The rushed yet delicate calligraphy made Cassandra's heart beat a little faster when she caught a glimpse of it. 

Rogelio called to Gravis from inside her enclosure, the door wide open, taunting her. 

Gravis began to read it out loud, 

'Deliver her safely, without injuries and you'll be paid in full. I'll come alone to the desired location

Be on time,

Augustus Sturm Arcus' 

"He always was a man of few words," Cassandra spoke, unsure of the audience. Of all the messages, words, phrases he could have written... he hadn't chosen a single one directed towards her, none telling her she was strong, that she'd be okay...nothing. 

Still, at least he'd pay. But what would her price be? 

She stilled, inhaling slowly. One step at a time. 

Rogelio immediately left the room, closing the door. Careless whispers, shouts, groans, yells were heard from the other side. No doubt trying to figure out what to do with her, how to effectively retrieve their money and not end up in Azkaban. 

Cassandra was trembling slightly. Soon, she'd be free. Would her parents be happy to see her? Miss her? Would she see Luna soon? Was Uma alright? Would...would she see Adrian? 

Would she see George? 

She couldn't afford to think like that, to jump ahead. She needed to ensure she'd make it out of this first. 

The bickering slowly dwindled down, each of them inching into the room, the couple looking as smug as ever. "So I'm guessing you heard the good news," Gravis remarked. 

"I'd be jumping for joy if I was up and out of this chair." 

Tigris rolled her eyes, "I'll be glad to see you go, you're an absolute pain in the arse." 

Cassandra huffed, blowing a fallen strand of hair out of her face. "The feeling is mutual," She replied under her breath. 

"She'll be out of our hair soon enough," Gravis smirked, "We just gotta wait until nightfall." 

They turned out of the room, leaving Rogelio, his soft eyes creasing at the corners as a small smile lifted his face. He pulled out his flask out from his jacket and revealed what he had been holding behind his back. A chicken's leg. "One last meal...Ought to make it a good one, no?" 

Cassandra's face almost ghosted a grin, though it didn't last long as he came over, pulling up his chair and held the chicken up to her mouth. Tastebuds were bursting with flavor, stomach growling as she shallowed. Nothing had tasted that good in a long time. 

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