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I WATCHED his toned legs work that field with everything that he had

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I WATCHED his toned legs work that field with everything that he had.

I did a silent prayer in my mind to thank the Lord Jesus for this unusually blazing hot spring day because he had taken his soccer jersey off and was running around completely shirtless.

I always thought sweat was disgusting but it was actually doing things for me right now. His sculpted abdominal muscles were coated in a shimmer that made his skin glow. Every now and again he would wipe his forehead and after drinking his ice water he would squirt the bottle down his chest to cool himself off.

"Lovely weather we're having right now isn't it Fearne?" Lexi interrupted my floor show with the biggest smile on her face and I wondered if she was onto me.

"Yeah, I guess." I brought my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them.

I watched him walk over to a small circle of girls and he stayed there talking to them for a while, they made him laugh and he made them laugh but it was flirty and playful. Not like he laughs with Lexi.

I was too far away to hear them but they were pointing at his chest tattoo and running their fingers over the inky lines. He seemed to be explaining it to them and I desperately wanted to know too.

"So which one do you like best?" I pulled my eyes away from Arlo and glanced down at Lexis phone.

"What the fuck?" I asked as she flicked through her photo gallery.

"I like this one I think." She was standing in her underwear, looking towards the camera but with her body facing away so that her ass was the main focal point of the picture and it looked amazing.

"But then he likes suspenders." She flicked to another photo of her leaning against her bed post in just lingerie, sexy, expensive lingerie, she had her finger resting upon her lips and a 'come and get me' expression.

I gulped, feeling my heart sag. "Who likes suspenders, Arlo?" She dropped her phone and grimaced.

"What the fuck Fearne?" I hugged my knees tighter, protecting my heart more. "I know we're not technically related but Jesus Christ that's fucked up. If it was anymore inbred we would be fucking sandwiches."

"But you're so close." She picked her phone back up, a solemn expression troubling her grey eyes.

"You know on the surface he's a sarcastic asshole but when you get to know him he's first one everyone calls when they need help. He loves so fiercely, he'll protect his friends and family with everything that he's got and he's loyal as fuck. You don't want to get on the wrong side of him."

I smiled, looking at Arlo tensing his biceps for his adoring fans. He danced too, teasing his soccer shorts down ever so slightly.

Lexi was right, Henry loves him. Chloe rung him when she felt frightened and drunk. Jamie obviously trusts him implicity. I couldn't help but wonder who was there for him during his hour of need because all I could see was him laying in bed alone.

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