Part 45.

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(You guys are gonna hate me in the next few chapters.)

The days have gotten longer, slowly passing on.  I'm excited for the wedding, but not to leave Hogwarts.  My brother wrote me a letter, saying he would be at my wedding after I sent the invitation.  He said are parents would be there, like they couldn't just send me a response themselves.

Me and Reg were walking down the hallway when that Gryffindor came up to us, "what do you want?"  He looked at me and then to Reg.  "Ehh actually can I talk to you privately?"

"Anything you have to say to her you can say to me."

"This is important." He continued to press on getting to talk to me privately.  I could tell Reg was irritated, 1. Because we were on our way to Hogsmeade for our date, and 2. That guy can't say whatever he needs to say in-front of me.

"No."  Reg was not joking around, he stepped in front of me to block me from him.  I tucked on the sleeve of Reggie's robes. He took my sign in the correct way and pulled me away from the Gryffindor.

"He has no idea how to give up."  Letting go a frustrated sigh, Reg stops and grabs my face.  "Hey don't stress.... You need to stop worrying.  You will finish your OWLS with perfect grades like usual. And most of all, we will have our wedding."  He kissed my forehead and wrapped his arm around my waist. 

After our last class, I went straight to the common room, they added a painting of all the Slytherin heirs, i don't think that's something to be proud of.  I mean it's gorgeous, but I'm not proud to be on there. Visions of deaths that I can predict.  Dumbledore told that I could never tell anyone what I saw in them, what I saw was horrific.  I saw the love of my life's death, the death of my brother, and worst of all was that Hogwarts would eventually be destroyed. 

I know that it will be restored, but it won't have the same glory, it wouldn't be the same.  Children that live and got to school during the time it's built will not be able to experience the life we have had.  I went to my room and changed into Pyjamas, I sat on the bed working on homework, a knock filled the room and a 5th year prefect came in.  "Here's the reports."  Her voice soft but confident like any Slytherin Pureblood.  I nodded and pointed to the desk for her to set it on.

I sighed,  Reg opened the door and just leaned in the doorway.  "You going to come out of our room?"  I shook my head, concern flooded onto his face as he walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.  "You going to tell me what is going on with you?" 

"I'm just tired...". I looked at him and fell back on the pillows.  "I'm tired of everything, school, wedding planning, everything!"  A frustrated groan left my mouth as I put my hand over my face.  I fell a grip around my wrist, the hand pulls my hands away from my face to reveal Reg leaning over me.  "I know everything is hard right now, specially with the tasks."  He kissed me, "after the wedding everything will get better."  That confused me, we're death eaters, we have the same mark nothing is going to get better.

"What do you mean it's going to get better."  He gave me a soft smile,  "you'll see, when it happens you'll know."  He was smiling but something told me he wasn't telling me the full truth, his eyes were more like filled we sadness, like something bad was going to happen.  Does this have something to do with the vision of his death.  His voice rolled me from my thoughts.   "Are you going to get ready for dinner?" 

"Oh. I'm not hungry, I'm just going to study some more and then go to bed."  He nodded and left after giving me a kiss.  "I love you!"  He called out as he shut the door walking off, his footsteps slowly fading down the dungeon hallways.  The vision of his death flashes as a reminder in the back of my head, he had his wand in his hand while creature were dragging him into a lake.  He didn't scream as they dragged him into the water, it was like as if he knew it was going to happen. 

Last week of school

It's the last week of Hogwarts, I've memorised what it looks like on the inside and I have moved to memorise the outside.  I want to memorise every little detail, the black lake with the tree by it, the steps that lead up tot he castle, the whomping willow, and the hut that belonged to the groundskeeper of Hogwarts, Rubeus Hagrid.

I've still got that bad feeling about what Reg said, is it really going to get better? We are still death eaters, Reg had that sad look in his eye, I wonder if he knew something about the Locket that I don't know about, there's something he's not telling me.

I walked to the tree where Reg was sitting with a few other Slytherins, they all turned their heads and looked at me. "We need to talk." Concern washed over his face breaking the mask he was wearing, "okay..." I grabbed his hand and pulled him from his sitting position. We walked over by the black lake. "What's wrong?

"Your not telling me the whole truth." He sighed looking at me before looking out at the lake.

"Reg don't tell me someone is going to die." He looked at me, he grabbed my shoulders and looked me straight in the eye.
"No one is going to die."
Something was telling me not to believe him, I just sighed and hugged him. "I'm worried."
"I to."

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