Lie and Deny

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Words to live by.

The biker, Lance Armstrong (often mistaken for Neil Armstrong) told Oprah the truth. As my family and I heard the truth about this bicyclist, this American Hero...My mother said this...translated and I quote

"I wouldn't have told Oprah shit. He's been lying all this time why come out and tell the truth now. They didn't catch him and telling the truth isn't going to do him any good. I know I don't have to worry about that with any my kids, do I? I ask y'all who drank my juice. All I get is...Juice? What juice? I haven't seen any juice. If one of you get arrested I won't have to shell out money to get a lawyer. Will lie looking someone dead in they face.

The cops would say, now son, there are witnesses that say you were at that party.

Jared would say, Man, I ain't been to no party. What you talkin' 'bout? Party? Witnesses?

Then they'll say, we have photos...

Jared, That ain't me. Man I don' told you I ain't been no where.

The cops would want to bust y'all upside the head. Armstrong should have kept his mouth shut."

Sweet family moments. My mom is who I get my ranting from. :D

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