Flashbacks: Part Two

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Nathalie had started picking up the papers Audrey scattered all around the office when she felt a sharp pain in her head. She shut her eyes as she screamed in pain. This was much worse than the other ones she usually has. She placed a hand on her head hoping that the throbbing would go away.

Gabriel immediately went by her side, and comforted her as much as he could. Her sickness is getting worse day by day, and this worries him. He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her in his embrace. They sat on the floor for a minute or two, with Gabriel actually enjoying it and Nathalie slowly easing the pain.

"Are you alright now?" he asked as he brushed her hair out of her face.

A scarlet red blush appeared on her face. Nathalie swore she was overheating, and she hoped Gabriel didn't see her in that kind of state. It's very embarrassing in the least.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." she responded.

Nathalie got out of his embrace, and started picking up the papers, again. She glanced at the files and designs of the reception, theme, and the invitations. She wondered when she would prepare for an event like this? Her own special event with the man she loves.

"Let me help you with that." Gabriel offered.

"No no, it's fine. I can do this myself."

"I insist." He started helping her.

Once they were done cleaning Audrey's mess, both of them went to their desks. Nathalie went back on finishing her emails, and Gabriel, well, he's admiring her across the room pretending to design something.

"Are we supposed to discuss something with Audrey?" Gabriel added.

"They'll come here when they're ready to actually work and not argue." she stated, not looking up from her monitor.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. In fact, they're already on their way here."

"How could you be so sure-" Gabriel was cut off by the door opening. Gabriel looked at Nathalie with a surprised look.

"I told you," Nathalie mouthed.

Gabriel's very surprised. This woman is really good in many ways, so he gave her a smile in return.

"Are we ready to discuss your plan Mrs. Bourgeois?" Nathalie questioned.

"Yes, of course, madam~" Christopher tried to flirt with her, for the fourth time.

"Oh shut it, Chad, eh, Christopher. She's talking to me." Audrey corrected. "Yes Sancoeur, we're ready. And where's Gabriel?"

"He's right behind you, ma'am." she pointed.

"Oh, I don't need your opinion. I know where he is." Audrey looked behind her seeing Gabriel looking at Christopher. If looks could kill, he would've been dead minutes ago. "What is up with those two?" she uttered to herself.

"So Audrey, shall we start?" Gabriel stated.

"Yes, I'm ready. Now come on, let's not waste time." Audrey commented.

Like you haven't already.. Nathalie thought to herself.

Gabriel and Audrey started to discuss the reservations, designs and everything needed for the anniversary and of course, Christopher assisting Audrey. Nathalie didn't join them because she had tons of emails to answer. Gabriel will tell her if he needs her to help or do something. But for now, she has her own business to do.

An hour or two had passed, and everything seemed perfectly fine, until Audrey started to yell and complain.

"Where is the list of guests, Chad?? I told you to hold on to them this past week, and now you lost them??" Audrey yelped.

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