At the Zoo

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If you're not gonna make any moves soon... we just might take him off your hands!~

These thoughts lurked inside Nagatoro's mind as she wandered around the hallway towards a club she visits often. She finds the door and opens it, revealing a boy who was plucking at his guitar who smiles at her and returned back at his instrument.


Today will be different.


"Yeah?" Y/n finally gives his attention to the girl who was a bit pink, she needs to ask him out on this... this date if she ever wanted to get closed to senpai than before.

"You wanna..." she was twisting her foot into the tiles of the flooring.

"You wanna... go somewhere for the weekend?"

Her face gets darker with red embarrassment, she was a little shy on asking him out for some reason.

What if he rejects her?

What if he thinks she's taking this way too quick?

Or... Or...

"Okay... Where do you wanna go?"

A shocking answer she didn't expect. Her eyes widens but looks away. "... I wanna... see the zoo..."

"Does Saturday sound like a good day?"

She stares back at the boy, her eyes lights up as she had a large grin on her face.

"Y-Yes! That's perfect!"


Now it was Saturday.

A figure waited near the entrance booth of a zoo, leaning against a wall as he had his hand held close to his face, scrolling through Instaton of sports highlights and such.

As of now, Y/n wore a white hoodie and a pair of black shorts and a black fanny pack wrapped around his chest, wearing some c/c, white, and black sneakers.

Today was sunny while the air wasn't really humid, helping out the temperature to lower itself as Y/n was starting to feel stiff from standing in place for too long.

"Where is she?" He checks the time, five minutes after one. "We were supposed to meet up five minutes ago..."


On cue, he heard the shout of a freshman girl, looking up to reveal the tanned girl in...

Wow... Just... Wow...

His eyes catches her outfit, Nagatoro matched with Y/n like she asked.

Except she wore some black leggings and some rainbow sneakers, a pair of headphones hung around her neck. But her hair really catches his eyes the most as it was tied in a ponytail. The boy was in awe, she looked so attractive. He continues to look up and down her clothes as she shoves herself onto the h/c arms with a playful smile.

"Are you ready for our date?"


Immediately, Nagatoro starts laughing. "I'm just kidding, senpai!~ Who would go on a date with such a virgin?~"

"R-Right... Let's just go in..." the boy nods as the two head inside the zoo to explore and find some animals to watch.


"Look at that one, senpai!"

The very first exhibit, a small landscape filled with rocks, walls, leaves, water, and...

Nagatoro Hayase x Singer Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now