Chapter 21: Hermione

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TW!! - Sexual assault and gore depictions.

All rights of characters and world are reserved to J. K. Rowling.

Pansy had only bought her black, green, and silver slips.

Now that she is looking, she notices other than a few nudes, and blushes, almost all of the undergarments she had bought her were green, black, and silver.

There was no red or gold.

Count on a Slytherin to always make a point...

She reaches down into the bag and grabs the slip on top, a dark emerald green one.

She never used these items. The only time she had was for last month's spectacle. She usually chose the more comfortable options rather than sexy, but maybe now that she and Malfoy were... well what were they again?

What had Theo called it?

A sex pact?

Yeah, I don't like the sound of that.

Means to sexual release?

Way too clinical, even for me.

Friends with benefits?

Maybe? But could I really call us friends?
I mean he has had his fingers inside me, so I think I should be able to call him a friend right?

Frenemies with benefits? She smiles at the thought.

Yes. That is what we are. Frenemies with benefits. He would probably like that too, he seemed amused by the phrase.

She takes her clothes off and slips the barely piece of fabric over her body. It just hid what it needed to. But it left nothing up to the imagination. She looks down and sees her nipples protruding through the silk fabric, and rolls her eyes.

That is why he opened the damn windows...

She thought about transfiguring the slip into a different color, just so the blonde out in the room wouldn't have the moment of satisfaction cross his face like she knew he would. But she decides to just leave it for a reason she does not give herself time to analyze.

She walks out of the closet to see him leaning against the doorframe and turning his head up to her.
For some reason she perceives a feeling a bit different than the fire he usually provoked. It felt more anxious, more heated than hot, and she could feel herself flushing as the emotion took over her as she watches his eyes scan her body.

He likes what he sees remember?
Why else would he be agreeing to do sexual things with you? And remember Lesson 1 and 2. Don't yell at him for admiring you, and don't cower.
You are not a victim, Hermione Jean Granger.
You are a conqueror.

"I knew you'd look good in green."

He flashes her one of her favorite smirks before opening his robes and holding them out to her.

She walks in front of him and turns, allowing him to slide the robes of her enemy onto her shoulders.

"Pansy didn't leave me with many other options."

She hears him let out a laugh next to her ear, and she becomes very aware of everywhere his body is close to hers. His hands move underneath her hair and pull it out of the robes to cascade down her back. She feels as he pulls her into his chest and rests his chin on top of her head.

"Are you ready for this?"

She feels her stomach twist at his words.

Was she?

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