19. his shoes

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Chapter 19

Oriya Deronte

By the time the screaming stopped the ballroom was a mess. Tables were flipped over, glasses and plates were shattered, everything was a complete mess. The lights were still dimmed from when people thought we would perform a dance for them.

Vincent and I were the only ones in the ballroom as the music played in the background. He looked down at me as I looked up at him.

"Ace and Leo are going to be pissed." He laughs.

This was the first time I had ever heard him laugh a real laugh. Today was the first time I had seen him even close to happy in all honesty.

"Yeah for sure."

Our eyes stayed locked together before I broke eye contact and looked around, "Well this place is a disaster, let's get out of here." I suggest.

He looks around as well and agrees. "Yeah, we should."

I push him aside roughly and make my way. I was being far too kind to him. He was still one of my worst enemies and I needed to treat him like that.


As we walk down the stairs outside, we see how empty the parking is from when we first arrived here. It was dark out and there was nobody or no thing in sight. Then it hit me. Empty parking lot. No cars.

"Shit." I muttered.

"We can call someone? Mine or your men?" He suggests.

"No, then they would find out where the safe house is and we can't trust anyone right now. We still don't know who's telling Antonio information." I sigh.

"Lucas, Theo? Kena, Sienna?" He says.

"Smart." I say as I pull out my phone. No Service. Are you fucking kidding? I look around and realize why. This place is in the middle of nowhere.

"Nevermind, no service." I sigh.

"We're fucked." He said.

"Start walking." I say as I prepare myself for the at least 40 minute walk.

We walk down the empty road, with street lights above giving us a sense of direction. The gown I'm in makes it harder to talk and don't even get me started on the heels. Walking on the road with heels just doesn't go together.

I smack my lips apart, annoyed at the heels. I knew I should have worn my other ones but Kena insisted.

Vincent stopped walking and held up his  hand for me to stop as well. He crouches down and begins undoing his lace and taking off his shoe.

"What are you doi-"

"Shut up." He says, annoyed.

"Asshole." I mumble.

He places his shoes in front of me, "Wear those." He says and starts walking again.

"Then what are yo.." I trail off because I know he's not listening.

I slip out of my heels and into his shoes. Picking up my heels, I ran up to him trying to catch up.

"You didn't need to do that. I'll be fine." I said.

"For my own benefit, shut up."

"Huh? How?" I ask confused.

"We might have a mission soon and I don't want to hear you cry about how much your feet hurt." He shrugs.

The nerve of this man-

"I find that so funny, because crying about shit is all I get from you." I say.

He pulls out his gun and points it at my heart. He was very clearly mad by the look on his face.

"Don't fucking try me brat. Just shut up and wear them." He spits.

"A gun doesn't scare me you son of a bitch." I look at him amused.

"Perhaps using it on Ryder will." He tilts his head.

"Maybe Sarah will face the same fate then." I said.

"You're not stupid enough."

"I thought the same of you but here you are, threatening my brother."

He pushes the gun deeper into my heart and I see his finger slightly push down on the trigger.

"Shut up." He grunts.

"The fuck are you going to do if I don't?" I ask.

He grabs my throat and pulls me closer to him as the grip on my throat tightens. He opens my mouth using the front sight of the gun and pushes his gun further in.

He leans down, "Pull the trigger." He whispers.

It all happened so fast I didn't have time to process it. The grip he has on my throat is making it hard to breathe and I can feel myself getting dizzy. Just as I feel like I'm going to pass out he releases my throat and takes his gun out my mouth.

"I'll let you die next time, I promise." He says.

There's one single car in the distance that's coming at full speed towards us. I was about to take out my gun and shoot the tires until I saw a familiar face in the driver's seat.


The car stops directly in front of us and Lucas comes stumbling out. He was in different clothes and he definitely looked like he just had sex. Kena never repeats guys. I think she has a little bit of a crush on him. Her poor little heart is going to be shattered when the truce is over.

"Where the fuck did you guys go?" He asks.

"We had to walk back since there were no cars and we couldn't call anyone because there was no service." I say.

"Oh shit. Well I'm here now, let's go." He says.

"Thanks Lulu." I smile.

"Lulu?" Vincent grunts beside me.

"Yeah, we're on nickname basis now." Lucas grins.

Vincent just blankly stares at the two of us before he shakes his head and walks away and  sits in the car. Lucas and I do the same and he begins to drive, not at full speed this time.

"Here." I say to Vincent as I smack him in the head with his shoes. He smacks me right back and puts them back on.

From the rear view mirror, Lucas and I make eye contact and he raises his eyebrows at me repeatedly with a smirk. I kick his seat causing him to stop and nearly swerve off the road.

"Thanks again." I say.

"Don't worry about it, father's orders." He shrugs.

"What!?" Vincent and I shout at the same time.

"Oh I didn't tell you guys," He scratches the back of his head. "Leo and Ace found out about what happened at the ball and they're at the safe house waiting for you guys. He's the one who told me to come get you guys." He winces.

"Well that's going to be fun." I say as I prepare myself for my fathers upcoming wrath.

a/n - if you don't know what a front sight is, it's basically the front of a gun idk search it up :P

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