Flashbacks: Part Three

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---Gabriel's POV---

I placed my empty cup of tea in the sink, lost in my thoughts.

"Master?" My kwamis voice rang in my ear.

"Yes, Nooroo?"

"I heard a loud thud."


"I think it's back in your office. Maybe."

"What??" I rushed back to my office. Nathalie and Christopher are there. What if Christopher had done something bad to Nathalie?? Or did Nathalie collapse?? Tripped? Fell? Or worse, SHE COULD HAVE DIED!

I slapped myself.

"Don't worry too much Gabriel! She's fine. She's fine. She's fine. She's fine. She's fine..." I chanted in my head.

I ran into my office hoping to see Nathalie alive and breathing. But when I got there, I saw no one. I went into Nathalie's office praying for her to be there. I was not ready from what I saw.


---Third person POV---

"Nathalie?" Gabriel's voice echoed.

"Sir! I can explain. You see he-" Nathalie's words were interrupted by Gabriel.

"Nathalie!! Are you alright? Are you hurt? What did he do to you?" Gabriel frantically asked.

Nathalie is very surprised by his words and actions. She knows that he cares about her but only while using the miraculous, and not like this.

"More like what she did to me." Christopher weakly groaned.

"Shut up idiot." Gabriel hissed. His gaze fell back on Nathalie. "Nathalie, please answer my question!" His hands grasped her shoulders, slightly shaking her.

"I-im fine. He didn't get near me." Nathalie answered.

"Thank God." He sighed. "Now let's take care of you." He pointed at Christopher.


Gabriel grabbed him by the neck, lifting him a few inches off the ground causing Christopher to fight for his life.

"Don't even bother to fight me." Gabriel uttered.

Him being a tall man was getting very helpful in this situation.

"P-please, let me go." Was all he managed to blurt out.

"If you dare get near my personal assistant again, I will not hesitate to single-handedly kill you."

"O-of course." Christopher managed to get out of Gabriel's grip and ran to the door. But instead, he ran onto something.

"Watch it Chad!" Audrey yelled.

"I-I'm so sorry m-ma'am."

"What happened here?? Is that blood on your face??"

"Your so-called 'personal assistant' tried to harass mine!" Gabriel angrily blurred out. "She was just trying to defend herself!"

Now, Audrey's gaze fell on Christopher.

"And why the fuck would you that?? Do you have no respect for women?? Even if I don't like Sancoeur, I don't like you doing things like that." She uttered.

"I-I'm sorry I won't do it again."

"Yes, and I'm making sure of that. YOU'RE FIRED. Now get out of this place!"

"But ma'am-"

"I said GET OUT."

And with that, Christopher ran as fast as he could out of the manor, grabbing his things.

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