Chapter 19:Classmate.

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Zhia Xiang sat in front of the screen.

❝Seems like I'm a rank S now. Let's start a new mission. ❞

❝Next mission: Twenty year old Casper discovers his boyfriend, Jack, who's also classmates with him was with him for revenge. Seems like Casper's father had a thing for Jack's mother in their youth, but she was in love with Jack's dad so out of jealousy, Casper's father killed Jack's father and left the mother with a one year old to raise by herself. Jack found out who the murdered is and planned to hurt Casper therefore hurting his father who loved Casper very much. Casper ran away from home and ended up dying in a terrorist attack. ❞ agent 0 expkained.

❝So I'm going to be a man? ❞Zhia Xiang asked.

❝That's correct. The tasks are to stay away from Jack and lead a happy life. ❞agent 0 explained.

❝What kind of person was Casper? ❞Zhia Xiang asked playing with a pen.

❝A sweet innocent young man. He studied arts at a prestigious university, he is very fond in painting. ❞

❝How about Jack? ❞

❝Rebellious type of child. He is vocalist in a rock band. ❞

❝I see. About the second task... ❞

❝I don't know how long it would take. He didn't specified more about it. ❞

❝Alright, let's start then. ❞ Zhia Xiang pressed the accept button and the bright light surrounded her.

When she woke up she was asleep in a classroom.

❝What time are we in? ❞

❝At the very beginning when Jack was trying to get Casper's trust. ❞agent 0 replied.

Suddenly, the door opened and a blue haired guy entered with a smile.

❝He looks cool, such a pity. ❞

Zhia Xiang was a petty person, but hurting an innocent guy like Casper because of what his father has done? Why not punish the father instead?

❝Have you fallen asleep again? ❞Jack asked ruffling Zhia Xiang's hair.

She pushed his hand away and stood up.

❝Casper? What's wrong? ❞Jack asked.

❝Nothing, just stay away from me. ❞ Zhia Xiang said leaving the classroom.

Jack followed after.

❝What do you mean nothing? This isn't like you, Casper. ❞

Zhia Xiang sighed and stopped.

❝What's hard to understand, Jack? I don't want you around me. ❞

❝Why? Have you heard rumors about me? They aren't true, I assure you. ❞ Jack said with a desperate voice.

❝Can you respect my choice? ❞

❝You cut off ties with me with no expectation and expect me to just agree with it? ❞Jack raised his voice.

❝Exactly. Goodbye. ❞Zhia Xiang said and left.

Jack stood in the same place not understanding why Casper suddenly hates him.

Zhia Xiang went to Casper's apartment and looked around. It was nice decorated.

❝He paints very pretty... ❞ she said looking at some of the paintings Casper did.

❝Do you think he'll leave you alone? ❞agent 0 asked.

❝I don't think so. ❞ Zhia Xiang said and looked in the mirror admiring her new body.

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