Knowledge x Is x Power

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The sun was setting, warm hues of bright orange and a deep red painted the sky, leading into an ombre of purple to blue leading to the oncoming stars. 

palm against her chin as she sat there gazing into the endless sight of the sky, almost as ease with the following soft breeze that causes her hair to lift off of her shoulders and start to wave in the breeze of the oncoming summer air. 

Her eyes start to flutter as her eyelashes flow ever so slightly with the breeze. 

"Are you going to stay out here all night (y/n)?" The laxed girl slightly jumped at the interruption of  her sight seeing. With a sigh she turns her head around her shoulder just enough to see the one who dared to interrupt her serine sightseeing. 

"Oh Demeter, you startled me. Is it time already?" She looks at the older girl in somber, aching to stay more with the sight beyond her. 

The taller female nods her head affirming the smaller ones question. 

The young girl stands up from against the aging tree she was laying against, stealing one last look at the falling sun, more purple and navy hues are seen versus the orange and red that was glistening just moments before. 

"Don't you ever get tired of doing that? every day since you were able to walk you always manage to watch the sunset without fail, then at dawn you always manage to sneak out here and watch the sunrise, it's always the same, don't you get tired?" The older girl questions the younger, smaller girl as she helps her stand up, dusting off grass as she does so. 

The younger girl lets out a small laugh and shakes her head. "-And that's where you're wrong darling sister of mine." They begin walking as she speaks up once more, "It's not like that, it's hardly ever the same especially at night. Did you know that the planet is in constant motion so the stars and the constellations are always in a different position than the previous times? There's almost always something new to see in the sky above." 

The smaller girl stopped with a gasp of air as the older girl looked down at her, gasping as well. 

"How did you know that (y/n)?!" The taller girl exclaimed as she abruptly stopped and grabbed the shoulders of the younger girl lowering herself to look the younger girl in the eyes, her (e/c) orbs shimmered in the deep sunset. 

"Don't tell me you've been reading the forbidden scrolls!" The taller girl scolded the younger girl. 

"You can't tell me that the knowledge that's out there is more precious than anything else?! How can you be truly content with the scarce knowledge that's bestowed upon us, just a mere fraction of what we're taught, when there's so much more out there Demeter!"

"Because (y/n),  I trust the elders with my life, I trust that they tell us all we need to know in order to live in peace and prosper, why would you want to learn things that are irrelevant to us?" The brown haired girl scolded, her brows furrowed in confusion. 

"Well, I can't be satisfied, there's too much out there Demeter, i've made up my mind." The girl lets out a sigh as she looks onto the dark glistening sky, dark purple and blue mixed together in a euphoric mix. 

"When i'm of age, i'm going to take the Exam and get out of here. Forever." Looking back at the brunette, her brown orbs glisten wet with tears, disappointment written on her face as she falls down to her knees. 

The (h/c) girl hold the brunette close as she rests her head sobbing onto the smaller girls chest. 

"You can't, once- once you leave you'll never be able to return!" The taller girl sobbed, getting her sisters toga wet with tears. 

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