Kol Mikaelson

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It was a pack movie night and Stiles had gotten the call from Derek, his boyfriend, to remember to bring all the research Stiles had. 

"Hey babe, what's up?" Stiles asked, as he was getting into his jeep.

"Where are you Stiles? Derek growled out, making Stiles frown.

"I was getting the research, and now i'm getting in to the jeep, to come to the loft, you know? The thing you asked me to do?" Stiles told him.

"Well hurry up Stiles, we're waiting for you to get here. There's something we gotta talk about," Derek told him in a sour tone. Something was wrong but for some reason Stiles couldn't figure out what it could be.

"Okay, I'm on my way. Love y-" but he was cut off by the sound of the phone dial. He brought the phone from his ear, staring at the black screen with a deeper frown. Derek never hung up without saying love you back to Stiles and the action had warning bells going off in his mind. He put his phone back into his pocket and headed to Derek's loft for the movie night and now discussion was going to be held. It took about 15 minutes for him to get there but the drive felt longer to him, a sinking feeling in his stomach as he drove. Pulling up to the loft, he parked his car by Derek's Camaro, shutting off the engine and grabbing his keys, he grabbed all the research and headed up, making sure to lock his car. Taking the elevator up, he hummed softly under his breath, waiting until he reached the loft's floor.

The closer he got to Derek's loft, the more prominent the sinking feeling in his stomach. Slowly raising a hand, he gave a quick knock on the door, listening in but not hearing a thing. That was strange because there was usually an overflow of conversations floating around that they could be heard as soon as you got to the door, but this time there was nothing. He heard shuffling and low whispering before someone finally came and opened up the door. It was Erica but she didn't even bother with a greeting before turning around and going back to where she came. Stiles mentally rolled his eyes at the blonde's rude behavior, not letting it get to him, getting inside, mindful of the pile of research he had in his hands. He placed it down before closing and locking the door behind him. Turning around, he realized how quiet it was in the room, so silent a pin could've dropped and it would be heard.

"Hey guys," Stiles spoke, trying to get rid of the awkward atmosphere that was in the air, yet there was no real response back. A few grumbles and nods his way but that was it. The only ones who spoke were Isaac and Malia, but their faces were a bit glum, something he would ask them about. He  saw his boyfriend walk towards him. Stiles momentarily forgot about Derek's abrasive behavior, and walked to meet him halfway for a kiss.

"Hey Sourwolf," he happily greeted, unaware of the stern look on his boyfriend's face, meeting him and trying to give him a kiss. All he got was silence, as Derek's head turned to the side, Stiles' kiss ending up on the cheek.  Turning Derek's head, Stiles gave him a chaste kiss on the lips. Usually though his boyfriend would make the kiss a bit longer instead it was like he couldn't wait for the kiss to be over.

"Der?" he softly asked him, confused at the statue in front of him. Looking behind his still boyfriend, he saw unprovoked harsh looks on his pack's face, Isaac, Peter and Malia exempted. "What's going on here guys? Can someone answer me?" He was patiently awaiting an answer, when Scott got up from his place on the couch, heading towards the couple.

"Stiles we need to talk to you," his best friend started, his tone trying to push a fake sense of calm to him.

"Okay Scotty, tell me what exactly?" he asked.

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