Prologue || His Dream ||

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(A/N: anything in italics is a personal thought, also my content will have swearing, you have been warned)

*her 'father's POV*

"I FINALLY DID IT!" I yelled at the top of my lungs after I finally finished my 10 year project. The result was a seed, not any normal seed no no no. It's a seed that will born the hero of this world! The seed must be planted in a well area with lots of nen and plants for the purest result. Then it'll get a pure soul of a great hunter to be reborn! Oh finally my plan for world peace is coming true!

"Akuma!" I yelled for my assistant. "..." there was a disturbing silence around the room. "Something's off....THE DOOR-" I bolted towards the entrance of my hidden lab only to see the door opened, with my assistant nowhere to be seen... "That Bitch betrayed me!" I knew exactly what he was doing since I told him this was supposed to be a secret project. I quickly put on my lab coat then sprinted to the nearest forest. I was half-way there until *BANG*.... There was a hole in my leg. I turned around only to see my assistant Akuma with the Hunter Association

"Hi Professor~" Akuma said in a taunting tone "We have confirmed that you project is illegal and could turn the world into chaos!" A B-rank Hunter said behind him "he must have tampered with my documents while I was finishing up... DAMN IT!" I cursed at myself for being to naive. They started firing at me but I stopped the bullets with my nen. Of course Akuma was surprised since he didn't know I was a nen user. "We have a A-ranked nen user! A Conjurer as well!" The B-ranked Hunter said to his partner.

They stopped firing but instead started to use nen, the B-ranked was an enhancer while the C-ranked was Emitter. The B-ranked unsheathed his katana and covered it in nen while the C-ranked made a bow out of nen and started shooting multiple light arrows at me with in-human speed. "How was he a C-ranked?!" I ran while holding the shield and dodging the B-rank's katana. This went on for a while until I saw Akuma in the corner of my eye manipulating some root "shit" I didn't react in time as the root pierced me through the stomach

I growled "Crap... my only hope is the Forbidden Forest" the forest was made only out of dead trees and blood-red leaves and has a dark aura. It has said that many went missing and were never found, and it's been said to contain the missings nen. I know this is a risky move but what other choice did I have? I quickly removed myself from the sharp root and sprinted towards the Forbidden Forest. Of course they stopped following me...

I ended up finding a huge dead tree and placed my seed in front of it..."fuck, I'm losing to much blood" and I blacked out

"fuck, I'm losing to much blood" and I blacked out

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(This but the tree's black)
*1500 years later...*

*No one's POV*

There lays a girl with black, carnivorous thorns encasing her that have pierced her body. The thorns started to retreat from the now, skeleton of a human. After a couple of minutes the girl opens her blood-colored eyes, the thorn starts to retract and start moving around her. Similar as a mother looking at her matured child. She looks around as the thorns began to talk to her, giving her simple knowledge and help her practice the nen basics...

Word count: 635 (without counting this)

(A/N: So the length of my chapter depends on how I'm feeling, so some may be shorter then other or vice versa ;-;)

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