7. I know, I fucked up

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✦❘༻ I know, I fucked up ༺❘✦

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✦❘༻ I know, I fucked up ༺❘✦


I fucked up, I know that, but Jesus, can't a girl just do the best she can?


In this chapter Faina might sound like she has smoked the whole ocean of crack but she is really mentally broken and unstable at the moment because she has been rejected on the face and she thought she had sorted her life out which she clearly didn't. A small hope in her life is gone. If I were her I would find another ocean of crack. Anyways, this chapter contains mature and sexual content so do not proceed if you are not comfortable.

A low rumbling grunt escapes her mouth as she tries to blink open her eyes. The last thing she remembers is someone calling her name and a small pain on the back of her neck as mild as pin prick and that's it. It takes some time for her sight to get clear and then the stink hits her nostrils. Her insides churn from the smell.

"Wakey, wakey princess," a person, whom she has never seen in her life says. She is obviously shocked. Panic takes over her and she doesn't realise that is actually bound to a chair.

"My mother would rather save her money than save me. So there isn't much hope for you," she says, looking around. She isn't exactly sure but looks like an abandoned warehouse.

"Oh no, sweet pea. There isn't any money involved here. You are here for your boyfriend," he says, standing opposite to her.

"Dude," she laughs. "You have the wrong person. Check that photo or the name or description again."

"No need. My sources are pretty strong. King of Hell's most prized possession is here. He has no choice but to come," he shrugs.

Faina looks at him for a while and bursts out into laughter. "The, what now?" She asks inbetween her laughter. "King of hell? Coming for me? I'm sorry to ask this but have you been smoking blunts?"

"Can you shut up?" He pours salt into a bowl and adds some dried roots into it before cutting his wrist and painting them with his blood. He chants something in a language never heard by her.

"Are you sure you don't need medical help?" She asks but doesn't get a response.

"You shouldn't be in love with demons, you know. They are manipulative and unholy. You will either end up like them or die. There is no in inbetween," he turns to her.

"I'm not in love with him," she turns her face away.

"He is. No wonder I was surprised when the spell pointed to you. I didn't think he would have a vulnerable human as his favourite thing on the earth. You are open to many dangerous sources that can brutally hurt you. Beyond your imagination," he stresses the last words.

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