0.3 - up close and personal

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hello there

i just got my first twitch sub :D coolcool also sorry this was late i was waiting up for the new song change my clothes oops 5am vibes

enjoy this one!!! tehe


!!! attention: i accidentally got into dream and georges bedwars game while playing with a friend and i killed them both twice :) i.beat.dream. in minecraft. in a 1v1. he had a stone sword, i had wood. i am now the best minecraft player ever dont even try to 1v1 me. okay im done ty for listening to my best and only life achievement (he called me a mother fucker im so happy) !!!


The castle was silent, only a few whistles of the on-going spring breeze through one or two loose stones were audible. Completely quiet.

One knock. Dream waited, no reply. He tried again, this time two knocks. Still, there is no answer.  Even the four guards awaiting outside stayed still, not even reacting to his presence there. With a regretful huff, Dream raised his arm up, and hammered on the wall with a loud thud, causing the door to swing violently open.

"WHAT!" An angry, and some what tired, King George spat. His dressing gown hung half of his frame from the strained force of slamming the door, and Dream stood there awkwardly staring. He looked more human than Dream had ever seen him, more down to earth like this. The King corrected himself hastily before continuing to glare.

"Its past dawn. You told me to meet you here, 'at dawn'. If anything, I'm late." Dream eyes still lingered where the pale skin- just seconds ago- was blessed by the rising suns warm gleam. He would have sworn he saw the mans skin sparkle, as if he had just come from that woodland scene in the first twilight movie where Edward reveals he's a vampire and shimmers like someone poured a bucket of glitter on him. Of course, Dream doesn't know what twilight is, but the comparison had to be made. George was almost glowing in his sleepy state.

"I said to meet me at the tree." The door was shut between them. That didn't stop their conversation though.

"What tree?"

"The tree we met at, in the courtyard."

"Your Majesty, I met you in the hall with the rest of the new recruits." The door swung once more and out emerged a fully dressed, topped with a golden crown, King. Dream loured.

The air was thick, with Georges fists tensing at the annoying conversation. They both started to make their way outside while walking unusually fast, clearly both waiting to not be alone in each other's company for much longer. "I first spoke to you under that tree, Seventeen. That is where we met."

"I met a talkative boy called George under that tree. I met you, the King, in the palace." Dream didn't intent to sound so rude, but at least the conversation was ended by his cold tone. They both went on with a sullen quiet until chirping birds outside took over the hush.

The palace was a very large place, so naturally so were the grounds surrounding it. Acres of land dedicated to rolling fields of red and white flowers, and tall standing trees, and the occasional small structure. It was beautiful. A moat of greenery encasing the fortress with such warmth and protection. Dream let his hands drop and run through the tall grass as they walked the cobble pathways out towards a small iron gate that hid in the inner walls. When they arrived at it, the metal creaked and opened to a less impressive, muddy field.

Barracks were the first thing Dream saw. Several small, hunched building made from wood that had been worn down after years of standing out in the elements. They stood in an arch formation, all facing a centre area of wood chipped ground. Weapons stood on racks ready to be used and a soldiers started to flee out the huts to greet the King. By how fast Dream had become surrounded, it must not be a common sight to see a royal here.

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