Chapter 2: Caught in his grasp

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Belos and I just stare into each other's eyes for a moment which feels like a painful eternity. He most likely glaring behind that mask while my eyes have nothing but pure dread and fear. "Well? Go in.." And my uncle bends down to my level with his voice and possibly even eyes softening up. "I just don't want this to be true... Kikimora wouldn't lie to me, right? So if you've been hiding this from me- just think of someone betraying your trust like that. It would hurt, would it not?" My eyes break away from his gaze and down to the floor in not only fear but now in guilt.

What can I do? Can't just run... My hand shakily reaches for the doorknob and turns it till the door opens. Me making it slowly open by choice till the time comes when I step into my room. To my horror is a chirping sound as that rascal flies to me, settling into my shoulder. However, it tilts it's head at my more than uneasy gaze, but then Rascal flies off of my shoulder at seeing that figure enter the room, then closing the door.p

I silently yet frantically make a shooing gesture with my hands but before the Cardinal could even react, that familiar glow again. Rascal floats to Belos uncontrollably. My uncle makes a tsk tsk tsk sound right before removing his mask and placing it on my bed. "I trusted you and this is how you repay me...?" "Uncle, I-I-" His gentle looking face looks so hurt but his eyes just look angry... "Why would you do this to me? To rebel? I'm legitimately curious." It's as if I've lost all ability to speak as the towering figure walks forward to me, looking far more menacing by the second.

"I'm sorry. I know it doesn't seem like it but-" A pained chirp interrupts me. The chirp being caused by a hand squeezing it's tiny form. Without any control, my eyes are glued to my staff but the unfortune has once again caught up to me due to him noticing where I'm looking. "You're thinking of attacking me over this?! I try so hard to keep you safe. I've given you the clothes you wear. The staff to defend yourself and the food you eat."

Just as I'm contemplating on wether or not to attack, he makes another circle in thin air and for the third time I'm frozen in place. Painfully for me, that damned staff is too far for me to reach. "You think I like doing this? I hate looking at that cut on your face.. facing that guilt isn't easy. You said you're sorry but if you were then you wouldn't have done this in the first place." My uncle's grip on Rascal becomes even more tight... "No- WAIT!" There has to be something I can do to make up for this! You'll never see him again, I promise! Tell me what I can do...?" Pathetically and without control I feel tears stream down my face, down post my scar and dripping on the floor. No escape.

(Again. Criticism is welcome and is anyone out of character? Would Belos say things like this? And is the writing style boring?)

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