Part 63 - You? King?! Ha!

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* Kings POV *
I watched as they both now stood tall their group of followers behind them. "Our offer?", the vampire spoke with a smirk. "What are you!?", I asked mostly to the small neko, the inheritance shouldn't have give him that strength and I've never seen a wizard with such power. "Maybe you'll find out if you join us or maybe you won't live to see tomorrow. Up to you", the vampire returned. After seeing what the neko could do I definitely could be killed by him but what of the vampire? How come the neko followed his every word with the power he possessed he could easily overpower the vampire.

I looked around the room some were hanging onto his every word like he was in charge which wasn't good for me and others were glaring at me for not avenging our own. "We will join you, but I wish to see the full extent of both of your gifts. I also want to know our goals, who's sided with us and what you expect us to do. And I want something from you", I stated. The group seemed happy with the answer and agreed. "Okay deal. We are going to overthrow Albus Dumbledore and restore the balance between light and dark creatures. In the process we plan on giving ourselves the rights we should have always had and make sure that everyone has a more fair life to live. We have many ally's in the ministry and within the walls of Hogwarts itself. With you and our other powerful ally we will have no problem taking control, we are open to listen if you think you have anything to add to this goal of course. What do you want from us?", the vampire explained.

I thought through the information given to me and I did agree with what they wanted to accomplish and I was glad that they had other ally's to help, it meant that less of my people would be injured during the process but there was one thing that I needed if this was going to work. "I want your neko for myself, he can be my new Queen", I am going to have him one way or another.

* Hadrian's POV *
Who taught this man, seriously I would like to know how one becomes so entirely moronic, although I suppose he has had years to perfect the art. Before anyone else reacted Barty burst into hysterical laughter followed by the twins who were trying to tell him to shut up, failing and joining in instead. I was just glad I wasn't the only one finding him this stupid, Tom on the other hand looked as though his patience was running thin. "He belongs to me and isn't part of this deal. Do you want anything else before we have a problem?", he said in a cold tone clearly loosing his temper more.

"I want what I want and unfortunately for you I always get it", he said and moved his hand into the air. I had no idea what it meant but apparently others did, the vampires once again moved at us but this time they instantly injected something into Tom's arm. I tried to get to him but I took 3 punches to the jaw before I got close, the last thing I saw through my blurry vision was Tom on the floor as the other vampires tried to get the rest of the group. I began to open my eyes to see a familiar place, I looked around quickly realising my pain was gone. "Hello little one", a warm voice echoed I smiled and ran over to life whilst being engulfed into a warm embrace.

"We have to stop meeting like this little one", Deaths amused voice followed. I smiled and stood in front of the two slightly confused but happy to see them again. "What happened now?" I asked trying not to sound too stupid, the small laughes that could be heard died down as worry crossed life's face. "You were hurt badly and we felt it so we came to check you were okay, we have seen what happened and wanted to wait for you to make sure you are okay", she smiled down at me. "Your vampire is okay I made sure of it. They injected him with a special poison towards vampires, it makes them weaker but the high dose knocked yours out. When he wakes up I expect he will be more than a little angry but I made sure that the poison is no longer a weakness to him, so don't worry too much", Death explained I nodded along and looked around. "When I wake where will I be?", life looked mad for a second which was a new look I hadn't yet seen.

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