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Name: Fern Belmont

Age: 19

Hair color: bluish-white

Eye color: light gray

Personality: He is the emperor of the Fye Empire, and thus, he is your typical cold ruler. He does have a soft side for his younger brother Fawn Belmont, but rarely shows it. When it comes to romantic approaches he usually brushes it off. However, if one pushes too far, they'll either see an irritated or extremely flustered Fern.

Description: Fern has an lean, muscular body and tends to hide the lower part of his face. His hair reaches to his waist and is usually tied in low ponytail. He is quite tall. Fern has the power to warp reality meaning we can create rifts in reality like portals. He is also able to summon animals from different dimensions with this power to assist him. Fern has also learned many spells including to create storms, healing everything in an large area, and mass destruction spells.

Likes: cooking, animals, theories about magic

Dislikes: irrational choices, being powerless, the death of any of his citizens

What he wears:

What he wears:

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(Not My Art)

Name: Fawn Belmont

Age: 17

Hair color: turquoise-white

Eye color: blue-gray

Personality: Prince of the Fye Empire, Fawn is similar to Fern. He is not cold like his brother, however, doesn't show much emotion. He looks up to his older brother, but doesn't wish to become an emperor. When it comes to romantic approaches, Fawn would get surprised and tries to escape the approach. If one pushes too far, Fern would become serious or get very flustered.

Description: Fawn is thin, however, has a little muscle throughout his body. He tends to hide his eyes with a blindfold that he can see through. His hair reaches just above his shoulders and he also ties it in a low small ponytail. He is only a few inches shorter than Fern. Fern has the power to enchant anything his body touches including enchanting his own body parts. He can whatever enchantment he wants and is able to remove the enchantment from anything at will. He always wears a ring on his right hand that is full of enchantments.

Likes: taking care of children, making potions/medicine, and cooking

Dislikes: killing without a plausible reason, people who do irrational crimes, and being in a vulnerable situation

What he wears:

(Not mine either)

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(Not mine either)

This is just pure cringe-
This is book solely exists because my dumbass needed to release ideas somewhere-

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