Chapter Six

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Without further ado, I bring you Chapter six :)

Brooke's P.O.V


"I should've left you in the wedding aisle." My dad said to my mom as she was head banging along to Miley Cyrus while he rubbed his temples in annoyance.

Mornings were never normal.

"Oh Reece," my mom said hugging him from behind. Her blonde hair was a bit messy from head banging and her eyes shimmered as she she smiled brightly. "You know you love me."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." My dad said as he rolled his eyes taking another sip of coffee.

"One normal morning without mom head banging to music and dad stop acting like he's on his period is all I ask." I mumbled taking a bite of a omelet This happened almost every day, it was practically a routine to wake up and see my mom turning on the radio. Now I'm not complaining and stuff since I'm glad to start my day off with music from the radio, but I could surely leave my mother singing and dancing along to it. My mother believes if she listens to "hip" music it'll make her feel young again.

"Oh lighten up you little ray of darkness." My mom said pinching my cheeks. I grumbled and stabbed my omelet with a knife. My mom knew I wasn't a morning person.

"What crawled up her panties and died?" My dad mumbled looking down and picking at his food.

I sent him a cold, hard glare. A glare that was equivalent to five hundred swords to the body. I probably looked like my mom when she receives her monthly gift by the courtesy of nature- it doesn't help when my dad calls her Bloody Mary- or those angry cartoons, you know, the ones with the fire truck red face? With steam coming out of their ears? Well if I look the angry cartoon, he best realize what happens to
the other cartoon that peeves me (aka angry cartoon) off. Once I'd be done with him he'd be seeing stars.

"Reece!" My mother scolded smacking him at the back of his neck, very hard might I add. The impact was so hard my dad spit out his cereal. This was the reason why my dad gave her the nickname 'Man Hands'. I didn't get how someone's
hands could have so much force, it wasn't even like my mom's hands were big. They were small and fragile, that's one of the features I got from her. "Leave the girl and her briefs alone!" My mom added. My dad grumbled angrily at the same time I did. "You know what honey?" My mom questioned as she moved to my chair, resting her hands on it. "I'll put on some more music." My mom declared. She got a CD and put it in the stereo. The tune started playing and my mother turned to me and my father with a mischievous smirk. At first, my eyes widened as I recognized the tune, but then my facial expression became identical to my mother's.

My dad recognized it too, apparently, since his eyes widened as well, but there was worry plastered on his face instead. He looked at my mother, then to me, then to both of us. "No," he started with a stern voice, getting up from his seat while raising his pointer finger at us, "no, no, no!" He completed.

My mother and I exchanged looks. "Long were the nights when my days once revolved around you!" My mom and I sung in unison with Taylor's melodic voice. Except there was the fact that my mom and I weren't so melodic, in other words, the neighbors have called one too many times asking if they should call animal control. My dad groaned trying to block our singing out.

"Counting my footsteps, praying the floor won't fall through," We sang headbanging along with every word. "Again!" We screeched.

"Oh god I think you two are the only people who would head-bang to a slow, emotional Taylor Swift song. Wait correction, I think you two are the only people that would head-bang to Taylor Swift in general."

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