Chapter 5: Why don't things go my way?

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All of a sudden Rascal dives to the man's mask and pecks him in the eye, causing him to let go and cling to the left half of his face under the mask. Then he bumps me forwards and turns into a staff before I hit the ground. He's going to incredible lengths so I can't see what left I have of family, isn't he? "You're technically kidnapping me! ... Kidnapped by a bird the size of my hand." We fly further and further away from the town and to a more grassy area where I spot a tall house with two people outside. One is a tall old-looking woman in red while the other is a darker skinned girl in purple and whi- ... Rascal is flying us closer and closer, down and down to the location, ignoring my groans of annoyance. An awfully lot of papers on the floor too...

"Here?! Why here?! Fine! I'll stay with you! Just get me away from these two, because if my uncle finds out I got caught by them!" And I land on the ground without my control being stared at the two who for sure are gonna have my head on a stick. "YOU!" That familiar female's voice shrieks and ran at me with an arm full of papers. I look to the palisman to get me away but it just lowers down onto the dirt and reforms back to a small cardinal.

"What's he doing here?!" The woman asks the human while they both run at me, and so though I have little chance of escape, I gotta try! I run into the woods hoping to lose them somehow. Quick as ever, a flash of white appears on the side of my vision as an arm swiftly wraps around my shoulder, keeping me in a strong grip. "No- LET ME GO!" Not even a word as she flies back to that house with such a nonchalant look. 

Why can't anything go my way?! This woman let's go of me but holds me by the hood of my cape and has me in the air as I kick. "Why are you here? Is stealing that key really not enough for you?" This woman asks with a glare. "No! I didn't mean to come here. My- the palisman pretty much kidnapped me and I gotta get back to the Emperor!" "That little guy? From latissa? He's harmless!" My eyes shut in disbelief in the day I'm having. "Just let me go. I have no interest in you two. If the Emperor sees I've been captured by you two he'll lose his damn head!"

"Wait, wait, wait. You're only afraid of what the Emperor could do?" The human has furrowed eyes. Actually she looks sad or worried. "Why aren't you there right now?" This old witch questions. "I flew out. I panicked. I had no idea what he'd-" And with that I sealed my lips shut. They don't need to know about my personal life. What's the point in that?

"What did he do to you to make you fly away? You actually look a little more tired last time I saw you. I think?" Lu- this human sounds so concerned it's a little sad. It's not like we're friends anyway. "So what? It's what I get for being so incompetent. Look, just look me go. I promise you shouldn't see me again."

"You're right Luz. How exactly did you get that scar on your cheek? And that stylish ear pierce?" "Can you both just stay out of my personal life? I'm having a really, really, really REALLY bad day. If I don't get to him now he'll send his guards after me? You wouldn't want him to find me in your house would you!" Flashing them a smirk to show confidence but really it's a bluff. Will they actually look here. "Hmm... Nope! It seems more like a you problem if you're the one staying here." She lets go of my hoof but puts me in a tight grip under her arm as she walks us both to her house. "H-HEY!"

(I need you to be 100% even if you don't wanna be. Are these chapters too slow? Because he'll most likely meet the blights in the next chapter)

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