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I wrote the start in like..Spring, and now it's winter. So it may be bad

LeafStar sat alone in his den, his eyes were heavy as he looked into what seemed like a very old book, made by a two-leg. As it was not the type of book that the cats had created, he yawned, his jaw stretching far, ears bowed back and tongue curling behind his teeth. He took that as a cue to close the book and go to sleep, but right as he had settled down, he heard two cats scuffling outside.

He groaned and stood up, his ears flicking as he trotted out. He eyed down the path of the camp before twisting his head to the side, he growled as he saw another unfamiliar cat. It had an unknown scent, it wasn't from any of the clans. LeafStar hissed "You don't seem like a clan member.." Anger dripped from his voice, the cat turned in shock. It seemed so normal-sized before, but right as it turned its head, it was suddenly at the size of a lynx or golden retriever.

LeafStar managed to wince slightly, looking up at the giant cat. It growled in a way that was familiar to a panther, the cat who was scuffling with it, suddenly ran off. The big cat soon spat "Maybe because I'm not from here.." The cat spat out in a growl, blaring its teeth for a moment. LeafStar showed mild fear, he hissed "Then leave, this is my clan..And I won't appreciate cats like you here.." The larger cat growled as its long and jagged tail swung. The tail arched and swung beside it, hovering a bit away from their body "I will not, I came here. And I am feared, everywhere. So I'll be feared here too..No matter what..I always rule"

LeafStar whined angrily at the cat, his ears were bowed back. His teeth were blared, his pupils were sharpened and his claws weren't sheathed "Leave.." The leader demanded, the large cat jumped a bit, hissing "No.." It answered sternly, its dark blue eye twitched. LeafStar had gotten enough of this feline, he took a step closer "LEAVE." He growled loud hissing and snarling followed. The big cat snarled back, the snarl turned into a growl as its terrifying blue eyes narrowed and the sharp pupils dilated, then shrunk again "Actually, I will not. I am the leader of all felines, I've murdered tons, I've scared tons. I've ruled clans, I've driven rival clans to the ground, so I will do that to yours too if you don't stop playing around like a little, helpless kitten.." The big cat hissed.

LeafStar shook his head "Never.." He snarled "You can stay if you just..No violence" The cat stopped blaring its oversized sharp teeth, it walked off with a grumble "If you say so.." It made out, LeafStar stopped the cat in its tracks "Wait, before you walk off anywhere. Tell me your name. I need your name for reports, and overall rules" The cat stopped, it muttered, "Drowned.." It stayed in its current frozen pose for a bit, LeafStar repeated "Drowned?" The cat nodded "Yes my name is Drowned, now piss off.." Drowned hissed and ran off into one of the empty, spare dens.

LeafStar huffed, walking back into his den. He trotted down a bit before laying down, he sighed and had trouble sleeping for a bit. But he managed to sleep until the near end of dawn.


LeafStar woke up to the sound of shouting and snarling, he recognized the snarling. An annoyed growl escaped Leaf's mouth, he stood up lazily and shook his fur. He groomed himself shortly and stretched before walking out of his den, he looked directly over to where the commotion was coming from. He was shocked as he saw Pierce-Arrow pinned down to the ground by Drowned, he was hurting him. Pierce whined and growled, biting the big cat, but having not much luck as the cat was much bigger. LeafStar roared at the cat "DROWNED. NO VIOLENCE, I already told you yesterday!" He growled, his fur standing on end and his ears pinned back. Drowned turned his head, he growled "Does it look like I care?" He said in a tone that sounded in a way, mocking.

LeafClaw's Quest (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now