〖️Gyehyeon × Hoyoung〗️²

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Request by:cutie_winter

"Hey loser!" Gyehyeon as he walk pass Hoyoung who was busy chatting with his friends.

"Damn that asshole!" hoyoung cursed as both Minchan and Yongseung shocked.

"That.. was the first time we hear you curse.. your.. a bad ass Hoyoung~" Hoyoung got embarrassed as the three of them walks away.

Few years later, they finally graduated and start a new life in college as.. Gyehyeon was there as well. Hoyoung glare at him as Gyehyeon give him his sad smile just to see Hoyoung glare at him.

"Wow.. he is turning himself into a bad boy huh?" Dongheon and Yeonho give him their confused look as Gyehyeon sigh.

"Lets get inside shall we?"

"You have been acting weird lately.. your literally hiding something.."

"No im not! Look lets get inside cause outside is a bit hot and it smell stinks.." the two finally agreed as they walk through the entrance.

As they start their new life in the college, Gyehyeon and Hoyoung got a same schedule and also.. being roommates. Hoyoung was about to tear the paper into half and throw them through the rubbish bin but Gyehyeon loves it.

"Hey! Hoyoung!" Hoyoung keeps on walking while carried his stuff with him but Gyehyeon keeps on following him.

"Soo~ are you free?"

"Do i look like it? STOP FOLLOWING ME!"

"Hey~ chill were roommate, of course i want to see our rooms together ~ could be exciting!" Hoyoung walk with his full speed tries to get away from Gyehyeon but he still there.

"Come on~ im sorry alright~ i know you are actually good at anything but not sports.."

"Shut up! And leave me alone!" Hoyoung storm into their room as he shut them close making Gyehyeon blink his eyes twice.

"Damn that harsh.."

The next day, most of the students was been pick to do their work in the forest field and Gyehyeon and Hoyoung participate it. Once they were on their bus, Hoyoung was seating beside Minchan since Yongseung couldn't came as Gyehyeon was with Yeonho who keep on watching his phone.

"Yo.. where are we going again?" Gyehyeon ask as Yeonho who was chewed a gum just look at him and points outside.

"Were going to your place called wild forest" Gyehyeon shocked as Yeonho continue scrolling through his phone as he was on Instagram just.. looking.. at the person in front of him a.k.a Minchan.

He even like every of his picture had Gyehyeon confused. They arrived as everyone start setting their camp as than Gyehyeon could feel someone went missing. But he came back just bringing some rocks as a support.

Like always Gyehyeon and Hoyoung shared a camp but the time night came, Gyehyeon was fallen asleep but awake cause he was thirsty and also shocked seeing Hoyoung was not in their sleeping bag.

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