Spiderman au

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Keith arrived home from school, dropped his bag down on the floor, lied down on the couch and watched his favorite show.

The News.

Which actually wasn't his favorite show.

 But being a superhero made him watch it constantly and all the time.

He grinned to himself when he saw nothing much was happening on the TV. No news, no work. Shiro walked in the room a few minutes after Keith. He took of his policeman coat and hats and boots and slumped on the couch next to his brother. "Keith...why are you watching the news." Keith sighed,"Just watching was Spiderman did yesterday." Shiro rolled his eyes,"I'd rather you didn't. A kid like him shouldn't be doing adult's work or my job either." Keith squirmed in his seat, it was hard being Spiderman and having a brother who loved and hated him. "He's like...18, he's mature enough." Shiro glared at Keith then got up and went to the kitchen for a snack. Finally, Keith could enjoy some free-

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Keith practically screamed when he heard his watch. He rolled up his sleeve and saw a code Red. He got up and went to the bathroom and called the person he didn't want to call,"Pidge, what's up?" Pidge screamed,"WHAT'S UP?! A KIDNAPPING IS WHAT'S UP. A HOSTAGE IS WHAT'S UP. A STORE ROBBERY IS WHAT'S UP. GET YOUR FLAT ASS OVER AT CORAN'S RADIO SHOP, LANCE, THE FUCKING FUTURE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE, LIFE'S  IS AT STAKE!" Keith wasted no time in running towards the door. "SHIRO, I"M GETTING THE FUCKING APPLES AT H.E.B! Shiro's head whipped out the kitchen,"Okay...?"

Keith immediately got his mask and costume on and moved his 'flat ass' to Coran's shop. He looked inside the dark and closed store. All the customers were blindfolded and tied up and so was the ginger haired owner, Coran. Their was no Lance or suspect. Keith or Spiderman ran in the store and it's staff only room. The so called robber was on the ground groaning in pain and a broken arm while Lance remained only slightly bruised and standing over him victoriously while rubbing his arm,"Mama was so fucking right to put me in karate class." Keith's eyes widened,"Lance? This is like the hundredth time I've come in and you didn't need saving." Lance looked up and his eyes brightened seeing Spiderman, he smiled weakly,"I'm awesome, that's why." The robber started to move around but Keith pinned him to the ground with his web. "Come on, let's get outta here." Lance looked at him in surprise, his face red,"W-Wha-?" Keith wrapped a web around Lance and pulled him towards him, grabbing his waist,"I'm gonna get you home." Lance grabbed on meekly to Spiderman's chest,"Oh..okay."

Keith went around the city like Tarzan, Lance clinging on to dear life. Lance yelped and brushed his hair with his fingers,"It's ..wet?" Keith looked up at the dark clouds circling them,"It's raining." He stopped and they took cover in a small dark alleyway. "There's we should wait till the rain stops to take you home." Lance stared at him with red cheeks and smiled,"Thanks, Keithy."

"Yeah, no proble-" His head whipped around to face Lance, who had a proud smirk on his face. "I know it's you, Keith." Keith panicked,"I-I don't know Keith." Lance continued to stare at him. Keith slumped down on the icy concrete,"....How?"

Lance fucking grinned like he had won Mrs.America,"1. When you first saved me, you said, 'Sure thing, Lance.' when I never told you my name. 2. Spiderman appeared a few months ago when you came in all buff and handsome and super hot when you were adorable before-"

"Wait, you think I'm hot?"

"I'm the one talking, huush. 3.-" Lance blushed slightly and his voice became quieter and less proud,"When I kissed you, I pulled up you mask a little bit, but I saw your mullet." Keith's face reddened remembering the upside down kiss they shared. It was awkward and lasted only a few seconds but Keith would remember it forever. Lance grinned again," And then, Pidge asked me what I thought about Spiderman."


"Hey, Lance. What do you think of Spiderman?"



"He has a nice ass in that suit."


Lance giggled,"You're reaction was priceless." Keith gaped at him,"How did you decipher all this?" Lance laughed,"I work in the school newspaper, I'm a reporter! I can tell these things." Keith groaned in embarrassment, this was never supposed to happen. Lance smiled at him timidly and stood up, Keith not realizing he had sat down,"Listen, I don't expect to be right, or that you'll tell me, but...for now thank you. Whoever-you-are. Even if you're not Keith, the boy my heart belongs to." Lance turned around only making it a few steps before Spiderman turned his around and pressed his warm lips to his. Lance pulled away for a brief second and kissed him again, pushing him to the wall and his knees wobbling. Breaths hot, mouths open, wet tongues all made Lance scream for more. Spiderman pulled away, revealing a red faced handsome boy named Keith,"Hey." Lance's eyes widened, though not surprised and grinned stupidly,"Hey."

Bonus Scene:

"Holy Shit, we forgot about the fucking tied up customers."

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