22- "Hello Peter"

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The sound of Steve's shouting and the thunder faded away slowly, and were replaced with quiet and the background music of a video game.

Panting slightly, Nadia slowly opened her eyes to see she wasn't on the jet anymore; she was in the room of Peter Parker.

And Peter was standing frozen right in the middle of it.

They both are still in shock. Peter slowly takes off his gaming headphones "Nadia...?"

Nadia nearly croaks "P-Peter?...".

"How..How did you.." He asked, slowly walking towards her.

Nadia began looking around, scanning his room with her baffled expression "I-I don't know..one minute I was on- and then now-".

Peter's shocked state began to fade as a smile grew on his face, his voice in excitement and disbelief "Your here!".

Before Nadia could realize it, Peter runs over to her and engulfs her in a tight hug. It takes her a few seconds to comprehend her situation before hugging him back tightly.

They both break apart after a few more moments, Peter's eyes filled with it's familiar brightness Nadia missed.

"Wow-I, your here...like-here in person. Oh my god" He says "Where-Where did you go? Mr. Stark wouldn't tell me what happened, and that just made me even more worried-"

"I'm alright, Peter. Don't worry" Nadia says with a smile "And..I don't know how I came here. One moment I was experiencing a really bad headache then suddenly I'm.."

Nadia's eyes slowly widen as she starts to fully remember "My powers, they...teleported me here. But, I'm not sure why" She said, slightly mumbling.

Peter purses his lips and sighs "It's alright, don't worry. I can help you find out and get you back too..." His voice began to fade, wanting to know who Nadia was with but she just looked down.

The young boy slowly began to understand her silence and walked closer to her, cupping her hands with his "I'm not gonna tell anyone, D. Your my friend and I care about you".

Nadia snorted a laugh "That's the first time you've ever admitted that out loud".

Peter's eyes slightly widen as his cheeks grow red "W-Well you know, I always d-did I just-"

"I'm just teasing Peter, thank you for keeping your trust in me; even after I kinda beat your ass back at the airport" Nadia said with a smile, gripping his hands.

Peter sighs and nods, giving her a gentle smile "Of course, yes now we just need to find out and understand what you did. Luckily; I might be able to do that myself".

Nadia furrowed her brows "How?".

"You probably don't remember, but when it comes to inter-dimensional theory and solving the impossible; I'm one of the best ones to go to...besides Mr.Stark. I won't ask anything or ask where you will go once I help you".

The name of her former teammate and close friend made the grin on Nadia's face slowly fall into a somber look. She hadn't seen him or heard from him since he last blasted her, but the last look she saw from him was the look of regret and guilt;

Guilt for hurting someone who he cared for like a daughter.

Nadia huffed and nodded "What do we need to do?".


"Okay; close your eyes and try blocking out all the background noises" Peter instructed, typing something on his computer "First, we're gonna need something to drive whatever you did out of you. What happened before you teleported again?".

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