Chapter 1

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Hello welcome to the Start of my book continue reading with caution and I hope you enjoy

Y/n = your name
B/n = Boss name
F/n = friend name
" " = what is being said
' ' = what is being thought

Y/n P.O.V
Beep! Beep! My eyes slowly start to open as I hear my alarm clock go off "mrmm" I groan and roll over then turn off the alarm'what time is it' my eyes widen as I see the time is 6:54 am "SHIT I START WORK AT 7:00 AM I'M GONNA BE LATE" I quickly throw myself out of bed and into the bathroom 'ok ok quickly get ready and go' I quickly brush my teeth and comb my hair "ok this will do" I wash my face and run over to my dresser "ok where are my clothes aha! There" I put my clothes on then run into kitchen and grab my lunch box out of the fridge 'good thing I packed the night before' I put my shoes on the rush out the door locking it "shit shit shit" I start running full speed down the street after a long time of running I stop at the front doors of the building then walk in 'shit what time is it' I look at my phone and read the time '7:28 SHIT RUN' I run into the elevator and push the button for the fourth floor "come on come on come on" Ding! The door open and im met with one of my co-workers "hey boss wants you in his office" I turn away from her and sigh "of course he does" the co-worker pressed the button for the second floor 'great now I have to wait for her to leave to go the fifth floor' after she got off I pushed the fifth button 'ugh I know the top floor is small but who needs a whole floor just for an office' I then look down at my phone 'the time is 7:36 fuck I'm so dead if I don't hurry up' Ding! The doors open and I run towards the doors separating and office and the rest of the floor 'ok you can do this' I as I open the doors and walk in I run into b/n's chest and instantly blush realising where my head is "m-mommy milkers" I move back and loom up at him to see his annoyed expression "y/n your thirty-six minutes late! and yo- wait. did you say mommy milkers? Ugh! nevermind that where is my paper work!" My soul leaves my body as I turn pale as I realise I left it at home "I left the. p-paper work at home.." I hear him sigh "ok then lest go get it" I watch him walk back to his desk and grab his car keys "w-what" He walks up to me "I said lest go get it" I try to protest but he grabbed my shoulder and nudged me into the elevator than pressed the button for the first floor "u-ummm are you sure beca-" I'm cut off by him "it's important paper work that I need to finish today" Ding! He grabs my arm and pulls me out of the elevator and towards the car park "come on y/n you to slow" 'can this day get any worse' I watch him open the passenger side door for me and I get in 'first I'm late then I forget the paperwork' I put my seat belt on 'and worst of all I smashed into his cest and said mommy milkers-' Im cut off by yelling "Y/N!" I snap my head in his direction "gezz you finally responded now care to tell me where you live" 'I feel so embarrassed' "wait one second" I watch as b/n grabs out a pen and paper "ok now tell me" I turns my head "whats that for" he looks away then back at me "It's so I don't forget where you live-after all I don't want to get lost on the way now nevermind that lest go get that paperwork" and with that he drives off towards my house after a while of driving we reach my house "here we are" I said to b/n then I go to get out of the seat 'and I left the house in a mess' I take my seat belt off and as I lift myself up I trip on air and fall back down "ow" I felt my hand land on something squishy but hard so I squeeze my hand to try to figure out what it is "y-y/n" I hear b/n stutter "huh so sorry I fell-" I look to see my hand has grabbed his crotch and my head is on his lap I fling myself away from him then I fall backwards out of the car "Aha-"

B/n P.O.V
'oh y/n why can't he just ever be on time hmm at least I know where he lives now' I hear y/n say that we are here so I unclick my seat belt and as I was about to get out y/n falls down onto my lap and his hand touches my crotch 'y/n why do you have to be so fucking cute-' I feel y/n squeeze my dick "y-y/n" I blush "huh so sorry I fell-" I watch him blush and Chuck himself backwards "Aha" 'shit' I jump out of the car and run around to see y/n on the floor "y/n tell me are you ok" I pick him up bridal style "does it hurt anywhere" I see y/n turn red and I realise I'm carrying him "oh sorry" I put him down and ge walks over to his door "it's ok just wait out here" I walk up to him "are you sure I can help you find them" y/n then closes the door on me 'huh well y/n that was rude very rude hehe it won't go unpunished' once y/n comes back outside with his bag I get in the car and he follows "y/n that was rude you know slamming the door in my face and as a punishment you will work the night shift with me tonight and help me complete my work" 'heheh.after hours with y/n this will be fun' "but I-ugh. Yes sir" 'mmf fuck love it when he calls me sir'

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