friendship and secret reveal(part-1)

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kai told the information and the powers of the bit-beasts to them.

Towa: now I get it, Ray would you like to tell the part of the story I mean what actually happened. ( Leaning towards the wall)

Ray told his whole story.

Tyson: they at least have listened to you (he got up from the place)

Max: yeah!!

Ray: I tried to tell them they were not listening to me (frown)

Towa: ok guys, have a good sleep. It's late already

Everyone nodded 

next day 

at the night 

Kenny pov 

Today we had fought against charming prince's and of course, we won the match, and we heard the story of the side of lee I wish they had given the chance ray to tell his story and one more thing that he has able to do the tiger claw attack. everyone was surprised that he managed to do even perfect than Ray. which was amazing. even amazing is that ray got his bit beast Drigger back he has been even more powerful and amazing.

Kenny: today was amazing dizzy

Dizzy: yeah sure it was 

I have heard some noises from outside 

Kenny: I will come in a second.. (coming out of her study)

I went outside as max, ray, and kai woke up hearing those sounds 

Ray: did you hear these sounds.

Max: we all woke up ( seeing to words Tyson) he won't even wake up if the end of the world (sigh)

Kai: leave him

Kenny: there is someone outside (whisper)

Ray: let's go and check who is it.

end of pov

they all reached there and there was someone they know 

Max: Wow, it's Towa-chan! (Surprised but not surprised)

ray: yeah she is practicing at this hour 

kai: she not even noticing us.

Towa's pov

if lee can do the tiger claw attack, so I thought even I will practice tiger claw, I have almost perfected max's defense and dragoon hurricane so whats big deal to practice tiger claw

Drazler: Ojou(mistress) you know what you are some times mean( in mind)

Towa: drazler now tiger claw 

Everyone: what!!! 

Towa was the one who was shocked.

Towa: what are you guys doing over here, you should be sleeping right! (Coming near to them)

Kai: yeah, but we are not Tyson who won't wake up on earthquakes (in his sarcastic face)

Ray: Yeah, you were practicing( saw on the ground) what !!

when ray saw the land it was all shattered 

Kenny: how can you do this much in a single day(shivering)

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