Chapter 22: The Bride

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"You can lie to everyone else, but you can never really lie to yourself." — Anonymous

( Partially Edited )


Alessandra POV

It has been a week since the party. I'm back in Spain and working.

It was after two days when Rafael flew back to New York for an important matter, which I wasn't informed about, nonetheless, I have no plan in asking nor was interested in his business.

He sounds weary about it, so I guess it's about his business dealings of some sort.

Tonight, I will be having dinner with my family. Carlos and Lucy weren't back yet. Mine and Rafael's parents are already planning the wedding. I don't know if Rafael wanted to pursue this marriage. As for me, I don't know anymore.

Rafael is a good catch and probably I will learn to love him in the future. Just like my dad and mom.

"Ready?" my brother Antonio asked, he's standing in front of my desk looking pleasing as usual in his business suit. I didn't notice him walking in.

"Yeah," I replied briefly.

I quickly grab my purse and we both headed to our parent's house. I drove my car following him.

Antonio and I strolled into the living room where all my parents and my grandparents chatting. Emmanuel was sitting beside Abuela.

"Alessandra, mi amor," my Abuela greeted as she stood up and approached me. She pulled me for a hug and I delightedly reciprocated her hug.

"No volviste a vernos después del mes pasado," (You never went to see us again after last month) she complained frowning at me.

"Lo siento, abuela," (I'm sorry, abuela) I said with regrets, "Me ataron con mi trabajo, y me fui a Nueva York," (I got tied up with my work, and I went to New York), I reasoned out apologetically.

"Entonces, ¿cuándo vamos a conocer a este tipo Rafael?" (So when are we going to meet this guy Rafael?), she asked a little too excitedly. Her eyes crinkling, smiling brightly at me.

"Pronto Abuela, está en Nueva York ahora mismo," (Soon Abuela, he's in New York right now), I replied smiling back at her. Even in her 80's she still looked beautiful.

My Mom suddenly butted in. "El Valiente viene a cenar con nosotros, mamá," (The Valiente is coming to have dinner with us, Mama), my mom announced.

"Genial, hace tiempo que no veo a Gustavo y Carmela," (Great, I haven't seen Gustavo and Carmela for a while), my grandma muttered cheerily.

Then my grandmother looked at my brother Antonio whose now grinning at my grandma. He knew he was next to be interrogated about his love life.

"¿Cuándo vas a presentar a una chica, Antonio?" (So when are you going to introduce a girl, Antonio) she fired away, frowning at him.

I was suppressing my laughter. All eyes were now directed at them while stifling our laughter.

Antonio glared at me. "Todavía no había nacido, abuela," (She was not born yet, grandmother) he teased and I burst into laughter. So as Emmanuel. Grandma wasn't amused with his response.

"Mi amor, deja de interrogar a los chicos sobre su vida amorosa," (My love, stop interrogating the kids about their love life) my grandfather interposed between them and I giggled.

My grandmother ignored my grandfather's playful chastising. We knew grandma has grandpa wrapped around her wrinkly finger.

"No te estás haciendo más joven Antonio, un día te despertarás con que la buena apariencia se ha desvanecido. Y con tus cavilaciones, ninguna chica dulce te amaría. Tal vez esas buscadoras de oro lo harían, pero nunca serás feliz," (You're not getting any younger Antonio, you'll wake up one day that good looks had faded. And with your brooding, no sweet girl would love you. Perhaps those gold diggers would, but you'll never be happy,) grandma continued berating Antonio. She scowled at him, but then she kissed my brother's cheeks.

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