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Ronald Weasley was in rage. He was mad at that meddlesome Headmaster. Had he not known that the rash would be more tickles when it healed with a spell? What a fucking dumb ass. He cursed loudly with foul words at the empty seat on the center of teacher's table.

"FUCKING MORON. YOU MADE IT WORSE YOU FUCKING SHIT." He pointed his rude finger at teacher's table. He didn't care about the consequences. The tingle sensation pained him. He wanted to rub his whole body on rough wall and scratched his skin. He wanted to grab a fork and scratched his skin with it. He could not bear the feeling. The creeping sensation was unbearable that broken him. Ronald Weasley fell from the seat and lying on the floor wriggling his body on cold stone floor. He tried so hard to make his tingling skin stop. His breath hitch as he tried to supress his pitiful laugh. He laughed silently while sobbing. He was going crazy. His appearance was in mess. His robes was dirty with some place was teared because he rubbed it harshly. His skin was red and blue from the rash and the bruise. Even in some place of his body were bleeding. He let out some whimper that sounded pathetic. His friends didn't dare to help him with charms. They didn't dare to touch him also, afraid to make the bruises worse. Everyone didn't want to make any more trouble and they're afraid if someone would do the same as him if they helped him.

Ronald Weasley was laying on the cold stone floor looked so miserable but anyone who knew him didn't feel any sympathy at all.

Ronald Weasley wasn't a good person. He had more enemy than friends. He was a bully. He wasn't good in academic, his magic core was ordinary and his performance was mediocre but he knew one or two dark curse that could made people act as he want. The puppet like curse was his specialist. He liked to manipulate his victim and made them a plaything. He would put the victim in trance and made them did nasty thing. Sometimes he worked with his followers and doing forbidden things behind the wall. He also like to cuss. His foul mouth was well-known in Hogwarts. No one hadn't heard him cursing. He would curse anyone even teacher if he wasn't in good mood. Ronald Weasley had too many detention but he always pardoned by Headmaster. He would hid behind his identity as son of light wizard family who worshipped Dumbledore. No one out there would believe Ronald Weasley turned dark but they're wrong. He might be looked coward but he was so cunning. He could show his dumb face and curse you in your back. Some people fell from his fake facade.

Ronald Weasly laid on the ground until professor McGonagall levitated him and brought him to hospital wings. She used silencio to prevent him from cursing more. Professor McGonagall was a nice teacher but she had a temper and looked at her pursing her mouth thinly made everyone around her lower their head. They're afraid she would lashes her anger on them.

Professor McGonagall brought Weasley to hospital wings and asked Madam Pomfrey to put him in special ward for special case.

Madam Pomfrey ran diagnostic test under professor McGonagall's supervision. She found nothing wrong with him. The rash was nowhere to be seen and only red lines was formed from the scrapes.

"Did he really has rash? I saw no dermatitis here and only saw marks from fringers and sharp object."

"I saw it with my own eyes when he walked down to Great Hall with hideous rash on his body. He also looked so red."

"Was that from a spell?"

"Mostly. He has no allergic history with food or dust or anything as far as I know." Recalled professor McGonagall.

"He do not have any allergic or I will notice him. He's quite fond of being bedridden here for this past five years." Said Madam Pomfrey.

"Well. Just let him stay here for few days. I will look for the source. I think it's a prank. Maybe from his twin brothers but I noticed they've been pretty quiet this year. I don't think it's their doing. Maybe Finnigan will know the answer."

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