The Game of Temptation ~6~

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Hey guys!

I'm SO sorry it's taken me forever to upload! I just haven't really been into writing recently. Like, it feels like something I HAVE to do rather than something I WANT to do. But I wrote this chapter a couple of weeks ago and I'm FINALLY getting around to typing it up sooo... yeah.

Hopefully you guys like it!

Chapter Six


 A month. One whole freaking month. That's how long it had been since I'd really talked to Alex. We'd talked over FaceTime once, and the entire conversation had lasted exactly five minutes and twelves seconds before he'd fumbled through some lame "I have to study, babe. Love you. I mean that."

 Right now I was on my way to Ren and Tyler's. It seemed we were always over there, but the guys didn't seem to mind.

 I checked my phone for the millionth time today, taking a sad breath when I saw Alex hadn't text me back. Again.

 This was the fifth time he'd just ignored me. He'd stopped replying to even simple how are you? texts, and I hated to think why.

 At least he use to send me quick texts about how he couldn't call or text because of this or that reason, but now he only replied with not much, you? , if ever.

 I kicked a small stone, thinking it over. Maybe he'd lost his charger? Or maybe he had terrible signal at his college?

 I snorted to myself. Yeah, right. And maybe if I lied to myself enough, the lies would magically become truths.

 I knew Alex too well. He would never leave me hanging unless he felt guilty about something.

 He'd tried it once, on our one year anniversary. He'd forgotten and tried to ignore me. He barely spoke to me all day until I finally yelled at him. It had started an argument, but it had worked. He made sure to remember the date, and made up for it by taking me to a movie we'd really wanted to see.

 Maybe I needed to try the yelling technique again.

 I let my mind drift back to why he could be guilty, and hated the first thought that came into my head.

 He wouldn't, though, would he? Maybe he just didn't think...

 I knocked on Ren's door, shaking the idea away. I refused to show sadness, especially in front of Ren. He'd make me talk about it, and then I'd be stuck thinking about him again. Who knew he had such a sweet side?

 "Come in!" His voice said, and I opened the door.

 "Hey, is Care already here?"

 "No, she's on her way though," Ren told me.

 I nodded, sitting next to him. "So, what's up?"

 He shrugged. "Watching TV. How was class?"

 I almost smiled. At least he didn't ask how I was. "Fine," I said, mocking his simple answer.

 He turned to me, smirking. "Cute. Really." He looked around before leaning in. "You know, I thought it would take a lot more to get you into bed."

 I raised an eyebrow. "That's the best you got? No wonder all the ladies love you." I rolled my eyes.

 "Hon, you said I wasn't allowed to flirt any more, you said nothing about the joking. Besides, you are on my bed," he reasoned.

 This was true. Over the past month i'd become friends with Ren. He'd stopped trying to sleep with me, but he still made certain comments sometimes. I'd learned to just laugh them off; he'd never change, but I'd also learned that I didn't want him to. He was a funny guy who I could tell anything to. And besides, he couldn't judge me on anything I'd done because he's done it all too.

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