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The officer continues to look out the window making me incredibly nervous "there's nothing there" I hear the officer says as he lowers the blinds and exits the motel room. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. John B and JJ slide off the roof and I follow shortly after.

The three of us get into the HMS Pogue "You could've warned us sooner you know" I tell the two that stayed on the boat. "We would've but Pope was on the math team" Kiara informs us Pope glares at her as if he doesn't want us to know. I'm honestly just surprised that he wasn't the captain of the math team.

"Pope you were on the math team?" JJ questions laughing as if Pope being smart is funny to him I elbow the blonde in the side making Pope laugh.

"Anyway that's not the point. Did you find anything?" Pope asks looking between John B and JJ.

I lay down at the nose of the boat next to JJ resting my legs on his lap. "No. I don't think so" JJ answers pulling the gun out of his back pocket as I do with the money fanning myself with it. "Oh yeah, we did" he smirks.

"What the-" Pope begins but gets interrupted Kiara.

"Are you two stupid?" Kiara asks looking between the two of us as I sit up next to JJ crossing my legs.

"Why the hell would you take that from a crime scene?" Pope questions clearly annoyed with the two of us. "Pope chill" I laugh shaking my head with a smile.

"Dude it's better than the cops having it" JJ defends himself, with a small shrug.

"Jess I'm not surprised that JJ would steal but you really jeez" Kie shakes her head as if she's disappointed in me.

Pope and Kie looked to John B as he is the only one that didn't take anything and didn't stop us from taking it. In my defense I had no idea I still had it in my hand before we stepped onto the roof.

"You serious?" Kie asks John B who has a huge smile on his face.

"I'm gonna lose my merit scholarship" Pope panics as his eyes become wide shaking his head.

I feel bad for Pope I may not have been here to see him work really hard to get the scholarship but I can tell he cares about it and will do almost anything to protect it.

"Hey, shhh, shh, shh." JJ says to Pope bring the gun to the boys lips in attempt to shush him. "At least you've got us right?" JJ wraps his arms around Pope's shoulders.

"I'm living a nightmare." Pope says as he goes to sit back down.

After a short while, the five of us pull to the docks in time to see the paramedics wheeling a body on the gurney.

"Who's that?" John B questions a random girl. JJ stands on a box as I jumped on the ledge to sit next to John B. JJ's hand rests on my thigh hold up, am I dreaming? I place my hands over his and start to fiddle with his rings.

Despite the rest of the Pogues being a little mad at us right now we're Pogues and we won't fall out over something like this.

"It's Scooter Grubbs. He was out during the storm" She answers.

"Check out this pic I got." She shows me and John B "dead body." She smiles.

I gag coving my mouth at the site of the body. I feel sick to my stomach as I cringe at the phone.

She puts her phone back into her pocket and I sigh in relief.

"Insane" Kie mumbles.

"Holy crap" JJ mumbles as he sits down next to me without removing his hand from my thigh. "What kind of boat did he have?" he asks curiously, probably wondering the same as me. If the boat we found belonged to him.

Not That Perfect | JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now