TWENTY. midlife crisis

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Not only was the El Ray Theater creepy, but it was also, apparently, hard to locate the nearest bathroom. Bless swore to God that she was lost, but she kept on walking through one of the hallways of the building. Maybe she shouldn't have gone alone.

Another sound echoed throughout the hallway, causing her to jump a bit. She glanced down, taking wary steps toward the noise. Bless didn't believe in ghosts, but this place was so freaky that she was starting to think that was what made the noise. Thankfully, her suspicions had been wrong when whatever made the noise appeared. Bless let out a sigh of relief upon seeing Ricky. That was probably the first time she'd been happy to see him.

"Oh, it's you," the brunette girl said in relief.

Ricky chuckled lightly as he approached her. "Yeah, who'd you think it was? A ghost?"

"In this building, I wouldn't be surprised. Hey, do you know where the bathrooms are?"

"Yeah, down the hall and to the left," Ricky informed her, gesturing to where he came from. Bless sent him a thankful nod and began heading in that direction. However, she hadn't even taken ten steps away from Ricky when he called her. "Hey, can I ask you something?"


"It's about, uh, Gina."

Releasing a sigh, Bless stopped her tracks and turned to face Ricky. "What about Gina?"

"Nini, uhm... She told me that you're okay with the whole Gina moving thing."

"I'm glad you and my sister gossip about me, but if you don't say anything interesting in the next two seconds, I'm walking away."

"I'm just saying, how can you be okay with this?" Ricky questioned, his hand nervously rubbing the back of his neck. "It's like you don't care about her at all. She's your girlfriend-"

"Ex-girlfriend," Bless sharply cut him off. "And Ricky, just because you have a crush on her, it doesn't give you the right to interfere with my life."

"I-I don't have a crush on her," Ricky quickly corrected her. Bless scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "I just care about her, alright? And I thought you did too."

"Of course, I care about Gina. Why do you think I'm pretending to..." Bless trailed off her words and pursed her lips. She didn't think it, but Ricky Bowen was the one to finally crack her act. "Ricky, I have been down this road with Gina so many times. Not caring makes it easier because I know that if I do care, she'd be more heartbroken than she is now."

𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐏𝐋𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 (𝐡𝐬𝐦𝐭𝐦𝐭𝐬.)¹Where stories live. Discover now