Everybody wants the same thing

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Present day

Elizabeth and Markus sat there giggling, having recalled the events of her first night of freedom.

"Christ I still can't believe that you touched a peeler for the first time in your life and sliced your hand open" Markus chuckled. Leaning back in his chair.

"Heh, yeah" Elizabeth sighed. "You know, you accepted this pretty quickly. I remember when Alison found out she could see us, god it took her days to come around".

Markus hummed in acknowledgment. "I don't know. I guess crazy shit happens you know? But I'm just glad to see you again. Liz you have no clue how much I've missed you, after your death I just kinda...fell apart".

It was silent for a while, until Elizabeth sighed. "I know that I'm the dead one. But it must of been horrible. To see the media take Derrick's side. I mean, I'd thought that he'd be arrested, but that was just wishful thinking I suppose".

"Yeah. It was horrible, the rest of the band went their own separate ways, and Derrick is the only one who makes money from your music now. That's why when I heard that Alison was trying to get the case re-opened I said I'd help. Even though she was a complete stranger, I needed to try."

Elizabeth smiled weakly. "Thank you, it's very comforting to know you never gave up. I guess we should head back downstairs, I can introduce you to everyone!"

Markus nodded and stood, walking towards the door before Elizabeth. As Markus opened the door, she saw Thomas waiting outside. Markus smiled nervously and walked past, heading downstairs.

As Elizabeth left you room, Thomas immediately pressed his lips against hers, making Elizabeth yelp in surprise. "What was that for?" She questioned, smiling widely, only for her smile to fade when she saw Thomas's solemn expression.

"Lizzy, my love, I understand if you wish to leave me" he stated.

Elizabeth's eyes widened. "What the hell are you talking about? Why would I want to leave you?"

"Oh do not kid yourself! Now that your lover from the living realm has returned to you, why would you want me? Why would you settle for a meek excuse of a man such as myself when you could have a modern gentleman such as Markus?" Thomas looked heartbroken.

Elizabeth sighed deeply, taking Thomas's hands in her's. "Thomas, Markus and I are friends, and nothing more. If anything he's like a brother to me. But it's you I love Thomas. I could never love anyone else. And don't you dare call yourself a meek excuse for a man! You are the most amazing, romantic and loving person I've ever met". She placed her hand on the side of his face, and he leaned into the warmth.

"And besides, I can't do this with living men" she giggled, and she kissed him gently. "Come on, let's head downstairs, they'll be waiting for us".

Thomas looked at Elizabeth, love and adoration in his eyes. "Of course my love".

Elizabeth giggled, "you're so dramatic".


"Ah, he's finally come around I see!" The Captain chirped, turning to face Markus, Elizabeth and Thomas as they entered the room.

"Oh Markus! Good to see you've recovered from the initial shock" Alison smiled, inviting him to sit down. "We'll, would you like to meet everyone?".

Markus gave a nervous smile to the ghosts, "Uhh, yeah, sure. I'm Markus by the way".

"Wonderful to meet you Markus! Can I call you Mark? I'm Pat, and on behalf of myself and my fellow ghosts-"

"I'm Kitty! It's absolutely wonderful to meet you, and even better to have a new friend!" She grinned, glancing back at Pat apologetically.

Markus smiled at the two ghosts. "It's great to meet you, and I believe I've met you before Pat, while I was having my breakdown" he chuckled. He turned to the Captain. "And I've met you too, um, I'm sorry what was your name?"

"I am the Captain"

"...yes, but what is your name?" He asked again.

The Captain looked surprised, no one had actually asked before. "Well, I suppose you can call me-"

"There you are! The hooligan that has been causing a ruckus is MY house!" Fanny bellowed, practically storming into the room. "Honestly haven't you any respect? You caused enough damage the first time you were here, and you return only to drop to the floor, then wake screaming like a banshee!"

"I'm sorry about that...won't happen again. What was your name?" Markus asked nervously.

"Lady Fanny button, and you shall refer to me as such!" She scolded.

Markus did his best to hold back a laugh, glancing at Elizabeth. She glanced back, clearly trying not hold it in. She mouthed a quick "I know, right?".

Markus turned to face everyone, "it's great to meet you guys, are there more of you?"

Elizabeth stepped forward. "Yes there are, Mary is hiding because she saw swans in the garden, I have no clue where Humphrey and his body are, Robin is-"


Markus let out a shriek, before spinning around to see Robin grinning smugly.

"Me Robin, I got you" he walked to the end of the other side of the room to join Pat and Kitty.

Markus sighed, "is that all of them?" He asked Elizabeth.

"Well, there's also Julian. I think he's in the kitchen watching Egad. They're still trying to work things out. Speaking of that, we should probably go catch you up on what we've got."

Markus nodded, "lead the way".

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