Part 1

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My outward smile covered my inward groan. It was a normal day at the diner and I was listening to Angela gush about her soulmate. They had found each other four months ago and since then every day was Angela talking about how amazing he was. Angela had gotten tired of waiting and joined a registry that matched soulmate marks. I smiled at her, while I cringed inside, as she kept pushing me to do the same*

Angela looked dreamily at the ceiling. "I have never been so happy! Girl, I'm telling you, you should sign up."

You chuckled to hide your groan. "Nope, that's not for me. It will happen when it happens."

Not that I'd ever tell her but I knew it wasn't ever going to happen. It might be selfish but I had decided at my mother's graveside that I would never allow my soulmate to find me. I sighed, staring at my mark as I rubbed it. It was actually a really pretty design, if it were a normal tattoo I'd love it but being my soulmate mark, I hated it.

I was grateful for only one thing about the soulmate mark, that it would tingle once you got into a close proximity to your soulmate. The marks were supposed to tingle, itch or have a slight burning sensation to let you know your soulmate was near. Once you and your soulmate touched the mark would pigment with color and some even changed design slightly, no one knew why.

Mine had never tingled or itched, but I'm glad that there was a warning system, it would allow me to get away before they could find me.

Angela pushes my shoulder, bringing me back. "Where did you just go? Dreaming of meeting them?"

I chuckled to cover my snort of disgust. "Something like that. Come on, Joe's gonna get peeved if we keep chatting instead of waiting on customers."

Angela smiled at me before pushing off the counter. "Alright, alright. But I just have a feeling, you'll meet them soon."

Angela's 'feeling' jinxed me. A large group of people walked into the diner and with them came a slight tingle on your wrist that turned into a burning sensation on my mark. About 10 people had walked in, so I wasn't sure who it was. Heart racing, I rushed back to the servers area. I needed to leave. With the intensity of the burning, I knew they were really close. All of my instincts screamed at me to flee, I only had a few minutes to get away.

I rushed to where Angela was, "Hey Ang, Can you cover the last 10 min of my shift? I...I need to go."

Angela's smile dropped and she looked concerned. I'd never asked to leave early, heck- I'd never asked to have any sick day. So, she knew something was really wrong with me asking to leave early. "Are you alright?"

I nodded, "I think so, I just suddenly don't feel great."

Angela touched my shoulder and steered me toward the back. "Of course, Hon! You go, I'll see you tomorrow."

I sighed in relief and grabbed my coat. While looping my scarf around my neck, I snuck out in a group of customers that were leaving. Sighing in relief, you look over your shoulder noticing a tall, muscular blonde man staring down at his wrist before rushing away.

Captain and His SoulmateHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin